Connecticut Valley ¥ramch , Society of American 4acteriologists i¢ {5 Yade University Schoold of Medicine, December 7, 1946. Genetic evidence for sex in bacteria. Joshua +ederberg, Jane Coffin Childs Fellow in Medical Nesearch, and E+L+Tatug, Professor of Microbiology, Yale U. In the short time allotted, it will be impossible to discuss in any detail af the experiments that have led us to the conclusion that there is a sexual phase in the life histary of a strain of 4scherichia coli with which we have beem working. It seems best to present a single expaiment in detail, which most forcefully illustrates the kind of evidence that has been accummlated. The general thesis of these experiments wax is the same as that which was pro- posed by Sherman and Wing 10 years ago, that if there is a sexual phase in bacteria, it should be possible to show that when mixed cultures containing organisms differéng in various cmracters are studied, new types will be found which are characterized by recombinations of those characters. The strains used by these authors were too variable for them to draw any conclusions as to the occurrence of sexual fusions, and other authors have had similar difficulties. Several types of characters have been used in our investiagtions. Reokiompogperk They habe all been obtained as mtations in a single strain of E, coli (strain K~12) .The spontaneous variability of eachbof these . characters has been studied intensively and it can be anticipated categorically that none of the phenomena which I am bout to describe can be accounted for on this basis. Most of the characters used are nutritional requirements, i.e. the need for a specific growth BOM -T+ Lt B,t Lact I, Waemx By plating Y-53, which is.. and Y-10 into agar containing thiamin, but lacking biotin, methiaine,threonine or leucine, the colonies which appear should represnt those cells which have recombined with respect to B.M, T and L, as indicated on the boardg. One should also expect to find that the other 3 charecters should recombine also, namely B=; Lac= and ™ . There are & possible recombinations of these charatters, as indicated, and the ones which are part of the papental complexes are encircled. All 8 have been recovered, as can be demonstrated by this plate, and these tubes. The figures on the board reprent the relative frequencies with which they havebeen obtaiend,The disparity in theg¢. nukbers is of coupée,of great interest; some evidance has been obtatned that this disparity may begxplicable oh the basés of the same kind of factorial linkage that characterizes echt organi sms. Egidence has been obtained that in mixed cultures coridftining more tgan 2 types, recombination takes place between only 2 types of aell at a time, strengthening the hypothesis that these data are t be explained by a cell fusion and the orderly segregation of genes.