Q5 LILI Genetics 107 rev 1953 The Estimation of Mutation Rates Univ. Wis. Adapted from Luria and Delbruck, Genetics 28:491; 1943, Armitage, Jour. Hygiene 51:162, 1953, and Lea and Coulson, Jour. Genetics 49:264, 1949. 1. Assumptions a. Growth is synchronous and uniform for mutant and non mutant cells. b. Mutations occur at celi division, yielding one mitant, one non mutant offspring, ec. All mutant ceils are effectively counted precisely at time of assay. 2. Definitions N Cell mmber per culture. t Generation number. Defined by the law cf geometric growth N « Qe or t= Log, N, r Number of mutant cells. m Number of mutational events. d average mutant clone size = r/m. a Probability that a division wilL yield one mutant offspring. At each generation, N increases to 2N by means of N divisions. By summing the total divisions, itis evident that N-N divisions are involved in the increase from an inoculum No to a final value N.~ As Ng is usually negligible in canparison te N, we may usually write that N divisions have occurred in the growth of a culture of size N. Therefore: (1) ms aN Null fraction method The probability that a mutation will not occur at a given division is l-a,. Therefore the probability that no mutations will have occurred in a culture is (2) Po (22) pose eX or (2b) loge po = ~all, a = I/N logy V/po = 2:3 log,» 2 N Po where py is that fraction of a series of cultures which contains no mtants. (1-a)" which can be shown to be closely approximated ty Average number of mutants (Warning; Carefully distinguish r fromm }!) It will be shown that each genera- tion contributes an equal number of mutants r to the final crop. At the i'th generation, Ny cells are produced from N3/2 by means of Ny/2 = 21/2 divisions, Cn the average, there will then be a.21/2 mutations at this generation, Each of the cells of the i'th generation will increase by a factor N/Ns = 2°/21 by the time of assay, The total erep of mutants fran the i'th generation will therefore be a.21/2,2¢/2t or a.2/e2, Summing over all n generations we find the total mutant crop (3) 4 u at2t/2 = atN/2 = a N logy N/2 2r/M log N = .602 r/W Log, N. i a (4) and d = r/m = t/2, Luria and Delbruck's likely average correction L and D point out that (3) displays the average value of r, including the contribution of a great many mutants from rare, very carly mutations, They set up another expression which they consider will give the "likely average" in any given experiment of € cultures, each size N. It is assumed that no mutations are likely to have occurred prior tots i. i is selected arbitrarily, as a function of mutation rate, so that in the entire experiment with C cultures there will have been one premature mutation, that is, so that a.C.Nj = 1, or 24 = 1/aC and i = -logeaC. Thus it is assumed that the mutations in each culture have occurred throughout t-i, rather than all t, generations. (3) then becomes (5) rt = 1/2,(t-i) aN = (aN/2)(t+i) = (aN/2) (logoN + logs aC) = (aN/2) logs acN, This cannot be solved explicitly for a, but may be handled numerically or with the help of a chart provided by L and D, This treatment has been criticized by Armitage; it has also been abused by workers who have pooled estimates of a from different experiments, rather than summing the pooled data, At best this technique does not mitigate the very high variance of r, which makes feasible estimates of its mean very difficult. Use oi the median and upper quartile The (limited) solution of the theoretical distributicn of r by Lea and Coulson allowed the development of two other measures, the medien ro and the upper quartile rz (i.e. the values standing at the positions (n+1)/2 and 3(n+1)/4 in a series of n observations ranked by size), They have shown that Po/tm ~log, m= 1.24 and r3/m ~ log, m= 4.09, respectively. Tables to assist the calculation of m (=aN, and hénce of a) are given by these authors. These methods do not make full use of all the numerical data, but provide more stable estimates of r than methods based on the experimental mean,