Memo from To: . JOSHUA LEDERBERG - VC (ae Thoede- ae f* ay AI PVhpun. 23. 1 COAL yg hy fo Qf aes (ahead fo drwitnr , ao well On ne. a oy td hots banrea41 Aun} bth wecliiud, stn ass and. THIKAL Tkaedeg erton nine aya oes gv We, Sates anrrel rato Nu, but | oS e ed, fo Sertecees of Cort ie ve eharse fo? “4 VGC ~offer. NN CR ET ntl eth. aq VIC — 0 he a oY the We 2 4 af rn or pectin, of Awe 42 { 4 ahr C ue “V"ease Note new address fective Sept. I, 1978 ~~ Dr. J. Lederberg | Rockefeller tiniversity | New York, N.Y. 10021 | wo { \ Proressor Josi1ua LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 — Memo from To: JOSIIVA LEDERBERG P.S. OF nor coer fe 4, bipes of flan mnt, Ht) amet brpertinee Che Udal Proige of Aad AAs oye 6S evra l De eatery tans ocectarted fo a fo ¥~ An Ansa? a eatingn YOURLE220 OL. qeation tl tne ae wees (ene ree - —— ~ Proresson Josnva LEDERBERG (vl Department of Genctics a School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305