Memo from To: Dr Bernice T. Eiduson JOSHUA LEDERBERG veri Psychiatry FEB 15 7976 career failure in science (academe) Do you have ive any bibliography on this theme? (I. now-want-to start-thinking. about -this as -an administrative. responsibility, with a-view _to-early warning and possible interventions. Obviously, -the frame -is- greatly complicated _ these days: by institutional tenure;-on the - -one hand, and the vagaties-of extra-institutioné funding (!) on the other.) - Steve Cole had a Ph. D. student who did his dissertation on this title; but it seems to have been on the perceptions of junior faculty who were denied tenure. I wish I knew more-about what happens to investigators whose research grants dry up for shorter or longer periods. But my principal aim is a better handle on prevention of catastrophes and the possibilitied of timely intervention. -I gave a seminar a couple of years ago to our graduate students on the choice of a scientific career; and we did use your book of readings. The main shortcoming was my own: that there was a great deal of statistical -and other information that I-did not have -— perhaps does not exist. As you would be the first to point out, there is nothing less systematic in science than the socialization of the aspirants. Sincerely, SL PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics ~ + School of Medicine yY 3 ) —~> Stanford University a Stanford, California 94305 ce