Mail/, draft Sun Apr 15 18:01:30 1990 i To: (Dr, Markus Durrenberger) K226110@czhrzula.bitnet Reply-to: (J. Lederbérg) Subject: E. coli conjugation Thank you so much for your letter of March 30. It was thrilling to see your photomicrographs, and I was delighted that you are returning to complete and PUBLISH your findings. In any event, congratulations for what you have already pictured! I need to study your ms. more carefully; but in the absence of a direct observation of the passage of a DNA strand, it will be difficult to make a finally persuasive conclusion about the functioning of the conjugational structures you have figured. Do you have a way to visualize DNA in these sections? Do you think there is any possibility that qualitatively new substances are formed in these junctions (as with tight junctions in endothelia) -~ in which case you might be able to raise antibodies specific for them. APR 15 j9099