UNTVERSITY OF CALIPORRIA Department of Bacteriology Berkeley , California January 21, 1960 Dr. Je Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: CG. S. Stent and I are gathering material for two books @m titled "Papers on Bacterial Viruses" and "Papers on Bacterial Genetics", which are to consist of reprints of outstandins articles on these subjects from the scientific literature. You may be familiar with e similar collection, "Papers in Microbial Genetics", edited by J. Lederberg and published by the University of Wisconsin Press in 1951. This collection is now out of date, and Dro Lederberg informs us that he does not intend to revise it. Our books are scheduled for pudlication by Little, Brown and Co., of Boston, Massachusetts in the spring of 1960. Among the papers we wish to include in the bacterial genetics volume are the following, of which you are the author: Gene recombination and linked segregations in Escherichia coli, Genetics 32, 505-525 (1917) We would now like to ask your permission for reprinting the paper(s) in question. In case you are willing to grant our request, please siga the enclosed release at the bottom and return one copy of this letter to me. Since we hope to reprint these papers py phote-offset in order to reduce the sale price of the book to a minimum, we also require printed copies of the articles in question. We realize, naturally, that by now you have distributed all of your original reprints of these papers, but if you could manage to find somewhere a copy which you could lend us for this purpose, we would be most grateful indeed. We would also appreciate any suggestions concerning desirable additions to the list of articles. With best regards, Edward A. Adelberg RELEASE I hereby grant permission to reprint the above-listed article(s), as requested in this letters Data Signed