November 25, 1949. Dr. D. M. Bonner, Osborn Botanical Lab., Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Dear Dave: Thanks for your very friendly letter. The serological results that you mentioned are very exciting indeed. I don't quite under- stand how the enzyme-antibody complex can be pusmmtptial precipitable without altering fats activity, unless you are using conditions that would detect one one complexes. I have always found minimal amounts of galactosidase in K~l2 (and in Y-53) grown on glucose, but the amounts are less than 1/2 % of the fully adapted value, and can only be detected after "activation" by benzene treatment or drying of the cells. I found drying to be a superior method of preparing cells for extraction, and, of course, mach more convenient and flexible than grinding— but for your pur- poses, you may have spsoial requiregents. Just so long as weaahels know what the other is doing, I don't think any discomfiture should arise from our mutual interests. But I hope you will wear with me in my concern over the remote possibilities. See you in New York. Sincerely,