Thu Jul 21 18:19:57 1988 1 To: rmburian@vtvm2 .bitnet Fee: outbox Subject: Your papers; MBL programs Thank you for your msg., and that of a fortnight ago. The prints came in, and I’ve enjoyed my first perusal -- I’m taking notes for a more considered reply. I will be writing up my talk at MBL, but all I have now are rough notes. I went over the concept of genetic maps (of all kinds) in a historical framework, but more on why we make them and what we think they mean. I’11 copy you when I do have a text. About developmental biology, it would be great if S. K. really has made the contribution you describe. Do you want to try another mathematician? : Mitchell Feigenbaum on nonlinear systems, works here at RU -- is interested in biology, but makes no claims. The dev-biol you want is Gerald Edelman. His work on "CAMs" in embryology is as important as he makes out.