P. J. Berenson [stamped, AUG 11 1979] DSB-SS/UC The attached was on my desk today. A quick glance on my part suggests it is worth reading. It may also suggest resources for further analytical work. That report ought, in the main, to be unclassified. May I get a sanitized copy here? Defense procurement is so important to the national economy that I am not sure that reducing dollar cost to the DoD on a given item ought to be the sole aim. Else we're sure to pay again for bailouts (Rolls Royce, Lockheed, Chrysler) or, if not, in other social costs. Rand R2481-DOE [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Would there be some merit in calling a workshop of leading economists to work over the macroeconomies of defense procurement policy? Ask John Sawhill or Charlie Hitch to take a look? My own view is that we design and pay for systems supposed to last forever; and the environment changes more quickly. Lowest unit cost may end up depriving us of the particular unit we most urgently need at a given time. J. [stamped, Box 115 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 (212) 360-1234]