SAN FRANCISCO MEDICAL SOCIETY Aheanry | 250 MASONIC AVENUE + SAN FRANCISCO 18, CALIFORNIA ¢ WEST 1-7200 August 3, 1961 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: Enclosed is a copy of a letter from an obviously . upset patient, We would appreciate it very much if you would advise us on how to answer Mr. Gamon. Sincerely, a La an Sep bran EDGAR WAYBURN, M.D. Secretary Enclosure p00 'VIAWATY This isa completed issue. but I have fo oyrvee with Mr, Games, Phot Dy. Mvaver 1S doing a ret disservice with Hhese vlog mohe and ill-mfrmed remarks, fis recent calumn on the aller harmlessness of vad ahve, bebanys he same arrogance. MY eu Chan Sey, probebly is + Pot Dy. A. as ives ivy a persovel of Vi aohe is evtitled fo de er omtroversil Supyeeto: ~ deo ret necessay rep reswy Pre. profess, for am ehh discussu, — iste Stern Prnvghs 7 Hienan Genetica Chay . 27. JC.