/j/X/stockmayer.870709 Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 Department of Chemistry Telephone: (603)646-2501 9 July, 1987 Dear Joshua, What a magnificent fellow you are to take time to write me a message about the science medal, which you know well to be a sort of gerontological lottery! Many thanks for your kind words, also for the copies of the Commentary pieces from Nature, which I will treasure -- and study! [P-266, P-267] The contemporary (1945) picture immediately brings to mind the 18 year old kid in the white sailor suit who was in that summer P-Chem class at Columbia. I have often bragged of that. It was a good class; another member was Milton S. Green, who died of cancer in his late fifties after a series of first rate accomplishments in the statistical mechanics of fluids. Rockefeller brings back memories of 1942 also. At that time I was doing some theory to explain some electrophoretic experiments of Lewis Longsworth. I guess my closest friend there was Teddy Shedlovsky, through whom I met legendary figures like Landsteiner and Michaelis and promising young guys like Bernie Davis and Vincent Dole. What a marvelous web it all makes! Please be assured again of my gratitude and pleasure at hearing from you. Sincerely, Walter (Stockmayer) P.S. Washington incident: the computer had somehow left Khorana's name off the security check list at the White House gate, and he had eventually to be hustled in through the White House kitchens! [re his National Medal of Science; my P-Chem or Quant Analysis teacher at Columbia]