UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA DIPARTIMENTO DI GENETICA E MICROBIOLOGIA «A. BUZZATI TRAVERSO » VIA ABBIATEGRASSO, 207 - TEL. (0382) 391533 - FAX 528496 16.9 91 27100 PAVIA (ITALIA) PAVIA, HT occ 8 ec cccsssneecennanmeaes ZL, Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave New York, NY 10021 USA Dear Josh, summer is over, we have had a wonderful August in Sardinia spent mostly sailing and relaxing: how was yours own? November is getting close andI am starting to arrange operationally my visit to Rockefeller. Let us cover together few points of immediate interest. 1. Research project. As agreed I would like to spend the initial three months on "“historical" matters, so we shall have ample time to examine research projects. Still I would appreciate receiving some more recent or additional information on your project: have you something already written? Here in Pavia and also in Cosenza, as I mentioned to you earlier, we are carrying on the isolation of GC rich isochores by controlled thermal denaturation of several eucaryotic DNAs (human, bovine, carrot, Arabidopsis) and ironing out details like the choice of vectors and use of either homotails or restriction termini: I still hope of convinging you of the beauty and simplicity of the approach (which I call isolation of genomic genes) and starting once again a historical joint venture twenty years after an epoch-making one! I wonder also whether we might apply to NIH and or DOE for some funding towards a project at which you and others at Rockefeller may be interested, and we may continue in the coming years on a bilateral basis: there are plenty of official and governmental avenues to explore here in Italy. 2. Housing. As you know, as soon as I arrive I shall have to look for a minimal furniture for the studio apartment in the Faculty building: my plans are of buying or renting something cheap and then look for a few very nice items which at the end I would bring back to Italy as core of our . new home with Paola. Who, as well as Francesca and Valeria Vv (my daughters, 21 and 17) may be visiting me but later on. In case hospitality should be available at friends. 3. Car. I shall be needing a small car but probably that is not going to be an immediate requirement. Also on this any suggestion from you will be most valuable. 4. Visa and alike. I just got booklets and various documents plus a IAP-66 form (for the J-1 visa) from the Foreign Faculty Advisor Ms Mason. Everything will be processed as and when required. One detail seems to me very attractive, and I do hope you can confirm it to me: che it is written that a financial support provided for me; now I understand that on s of the US-Italy treaty of April 17, 1984, art. 20 (enclosed) as visiting professor I am exempt from US taxes. Is it then fair and legitimate to rely on that net income for my visit ? In a couple of weeks I shall have also detailed out my travel plans, and I shall inform you in due course. In the meanwhile please accept my best greetings and warmest thanks. A most friendly ciao. Vittorio Enclosure “oe.