aA : f " i dapowntin + Sper Dr. Joshua Lederberg . Feb 4th, 1991 Rockefeller University New York, N. ¥. Dear Josh, as you know I have been in Miami for a week for a COGENE meeting and the Winter Symposium, but f nave not contacted you for a variety of reasons: a few weeks ago Arturo told me that you were going to India, but then the day before I left (Jan. 25) I met him in Rome and he told me that you were not going, only that in the meanwhile I had made my trip schedule and bought my reduced rate ticket for a direct flight Milano-Miami and return. In Miami, Norton told me that you were indeed in the States, not in N.Y. but busy and unapproschable in Washington. So 1 did not even try to contact you. Well, I am back in Pavia and I have just found your letter of Jan. 18 alluding to a faces which I never received: it refers to your intention to go to India from Jan. 28 to Feb. 9, which I understand is no longer valid, but it mentions also an apartment on campus. And this is relevant and wonderful! So my plans are ag follows: I shall be in N. Y. next August with Valeria (my younger daughter) and Paola (my companion) as touriste. In September they will return to Italy, and I would start my sabbatical with you: your generous offer and the appeal of doing some . writing and some science with you make up an irresistable cocktail. So you can consider me in N.Y. since the | “beginning of next September. In April I will come to Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. for a Fidia Research Foundation Symposium “Ethical Issues in Research" (the topic I have been assigned ia fraud, false and data misappropriation in science: have you any suggestions on the subject in term of papers, books ete?). On that ocoasion I am available to come and see you in N. Y. immediately either before or after April 29- 30: please let me Know about your availability. I would treasure that opportunity to discuss with you research programs (cairnism? HAC ~i.6. human artificial chromogomes-?...7) and any other detail. In May I will not be able to see you in Pavia since I am in Crete for 4 EEC workshop on the Human Genome Project, for which G. Bernardi from Paris and myself are proposing a fantastic program: the cloning in YAC or in E. coli F-based plasmids of the "GC rich isochores", namely those sequences amounting to & few percent of the human genome, produced by mild shearing and containing the great majority of the genes: since this will be obtained via the; homopolymeric tailing procedure (an abstract will reach you soon) there should be no co-cloning nor any bias due to sequence-based cutting. It's the gubstantiation of cDNA cloning with genomic fragments! It ig aimply a fantastic idea: your comments and suggestions will make it even better. I am eager to hear from you, after you receive more details, Most sincerely yours, Vittorio Sgaramella