THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 April 14, 1988 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Abdus Salam Director International Centre for Theoretical Physics P.O.B. 586 Miramare Strada Costiera 11 34100 Trieste Italy Dear Abdus Salam: There obviously was some merit in the Paris meeting of Nobel laureates since it gave me a unique opportunity to get to know you. But I share your skepticism about "the formalization of the Nobel laureates role". I am not so worried about the degradation of our currency, as I am that the winning of a prize is not an automatic criterion of compassion or social wisdom. On the contrary the prize has given a number of dubious personalities an inappropriate license to speak as if from expertise. I have urged on Elie that he scan the Nobel laureates that he has come to know, and select a special subset of his own personal choosing as the nucleus of the kind of ongoing "organization" about which he has such an extraordinary vision. But there are many more people who are not in the "Nobel Club", and could make extraordinary contributions, than are in it. For the time being I prefer that you keep my views on this matter strictly entre nous (and Elie of course). I am sure that Elie is most attentive to and heedful of your advice. I hope that you and Arturo Falaschi, who is now in Trieste for the UNIDO-sponsored biotechnology effort, have gotten to know one another. He is an excellent molecular biologist, a first rate human being, and a superb choice for the responsibilities of leadership in technological programs for broad human benefit. ra) Ph KP Us, eset Dr. Abdus Salam April 14, 1988 -2- Please let me know when you may next be in New York and let us have a chance to get together. I enjoyed your essays. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encls. e277? Gard CL: Chie Wiesel