DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Building: 31 Room: 7A03 Phone: (301) 496-9118 Fax: (301) 496-4409 May 2, 1991 Pablo Rubinstein, M.D. Director, Fred H. Allen Laboratory of Immunogenetics The Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of The New York Blood Center 310 East 67 Street New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Rubinstein: df es Your letter of April 4, to Dr. Joshua Lederberg regarding interest in studies of the association of HLA compatibility and the risk of transplacental infection was forwarded to Dr. Fauci for comments on the access to appropriate cohorts. Dr. Fauci has asked that I look into our studies involving cohorts of HIV infected mothers and their children and respond to you. For your information, the NIAID Division of AIDS is supporting several studies on the association of immunogenetic markers with HIV infection and HIV disease. Our Multi- Center AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) group has identified one HLA marker that is strongly associated with rapid HIV disease progression. In collaboration with the NCI, the MACS investigators are also looking at the association of AIDS with other genetic markers. We are also planning to look at the HLA types associated with perinatal transmission in our Women and Infants Transmission Study (WITS). The WITS is a consortium of investigators similar to the MACS but focused on perinatal transmission. Dr. Mary Claire King of the University of California, Berkeley, is a collaborator and consultant on these studies. In addition, Drs. Stephen O’Brien and Dean Mann of the NCI’s Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis are developing similar studies with the WITS cohorts. I am not certain if our program staff and the WITS investigators can accommodate any additional collaborations considering the commitments to the above mentioned studies. If you would like to pursue such a collaboration, however, you could contact Dr. Rodney Hoff in the NIAID Division of AIDS who is responsible for the WITS studies. Page 2 - Letter to Dr. Rubinstein Dr. Hoff can be reached at the following address and telephone number: Dr. Rodney Hoff Chief, Women and Children's Section Epidemiology Branch, Division of AIDS, NIAID Control Data Buliding, Room 240P Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: (301) 496-6177 Best regards. mes C. Hill, Ph.D. Deputy Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases cc: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Dr. Rodney Hoff Dr. Joshua Lederberg