THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 March 5, 1985 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Mr. Craig Fuller Office of the Vice President Executive Office Building Washington, D.C. 20501 Dear Mr. Fuller: I was glad to get a response -- which you may well have had a hand in -- from Mr. Reagan, to the conversation we had at the White House luncheon on February 12th. I understand that you are now on Mr. Bush's staff and may for the time being have less connection with the issues raised in our dis- cussion in the letter. Nevertheless I would like to think that the door was not slammed on further policy-oriented dis- cussion on the very important issues that were touched upon there. There were many constructive elements in the President's reply. Nevertheless many of my colleagues are as exasperated by the process in the Executive Branch that led to this out- come, aS you may well have been at what was happening on the legislative side. Meanwhile many of us feel like we are being battered between pillar and post. So I will welcome the op- portunity for some further calm dialogue. Of course there is a very important virtue in stability; and I have long argued that the quality of administration of research grants from the government needed as much attention as the volume of funds from the spigot. The grants awarded each year are a less pertinent figure than the total number of programs supported at a given time; and we (above all the national interest) would benefit by somewhat less turbulence in the overall process. When all is said and done, however, it does look as if by: some fluke biomedical research has been put down relative to the overall attention given to national investment in science and technology. (And this at a time when the promise for near term yield has never been brighter.) Mr. Craig Fuller March 5, 1985 -2- However the purpose of this letter is not to rake over the substance but to enhance the process ;and it is in that - vein that I approach you now. I did meet Mr. Bush and Dan Murphy when they were at CIA, and acquired a real respect for both of them in that setting. Yours Sincerely, osghua Lederberg /