6-14-1995 2:43AM FROM AMER. PHILO. SOc. 215 44@ 3423 Boston University Cemer for Philosophy and History of Science 745 Commonwealth Averue Boston, Massachusetts 02215 617/353-2604 Fax: 617/353-6805 .E:mail; atauber(@ acs.bu.cdu ——— Dr. Josh Lederberg, University Professor, The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021-6399 Fax: 212-327-8651; Tel: -7809 Philadelphia, June 14, 1995 Dear JL, Thank you so much for the package of letters that just arrived; it is very important for my work on the French and American exchanges because the Jate 1940s are not well documented in the French archives; (I do have lots of letters exchanged between Luigi and Annamaria in the late 1940s but they are in Italian); your cor. clarifies already some puzzles and I am very grateful for your help. 1 will of course send to you the sections in which this material is likely to be used before publication. You seem to be a pivotal link to both of my groups, the French microbial physiologists and the American phage geneticists. (as you know I am working on groups, not on individuals or institutions). Re: your comments on Monod, it is common for scientists to "compress" time and project more recent events into a farther past; I just had the same experience in my oral history with Robert Austrian, here in APS Library, last week and again this week. I doubt that he was/could have been famous prior to CSHL-46 or even afterwards. The spiegelman change of ref. from 1945 to 1946 is a good pointer. The only one who could have been famous prior to 1946 was Lwoff, but given the fact that aJl his writings were in French, I doubt that he too was widely known. The only Frenchman really known by then in the US must have been Ephrussi, who spent WW2 in the US and visited in the 1930s. I'd be very interested in any memory you have of Lwoff's interaction with Ephrussi during CSHL-46 or otherwise. You will recall that these three plus Latarjet were the only Frenchmen at CSHL-46. The week of June 19 is my last at APSL, as I leave for a conference in Florence on June 27 to be continued by a month of duties in Paris, and a month in Tel Aviv. Therefore, I wonder if this week is suitable for you to meet to discuss questions resulting from my ongoing work here including the material you had sent. I could come almost any day; Tuesday might be good since APSL has a garden party so they close the archive at 3p.m. instead of the regular 5p.m. However, if you happen to be in July in Paris or in August in Tel Aviv, 'd rather meet you there. Thanks again for the package; it will be reflected, of course, not only in the actua] work but also in the Acknowledgment. Sincerely yours, Dr. Pnina G. Abir-Am (Archival Mellon Fellow, APSL) Tel: 215-440-3400; Fax: 215-440-3423 (after July 2: Maison Suger, 16-18 rue Suger, 75006, Paris; Fax: Encl.: Ipp. inventory of cor. JL and MD, 1947-1957. 6-14-1995 2:a4dAM FROM AMER. PHILO. SOC. 215 440 3423 P.2 Inventory of Joshua Lederberg’s (hereafter JL) two folders, (kept in the Mendeliana boxes given by Hugo Iitis), 575.109 C67, Folder #1 1. JL to R. Dubos, August 9, 1946, Ip. ; requests ref. from Bact. Cell 1945 on "hybridization in bacteria’, other than 3 in 1924, 1938, 1942. 2. RD to JL, Aug. 14, 1946; cannot find other refs. but suggests Cantacuzene in Bucharest, 20-25 years ago.[PGA’s comments: there is a recent book in Paris on the C family; Institute named after C has signed an agreement with Pasteur Inst. around 1993} 3. JL to Dir. Bureau of Census, WDC, Feb.19, 1947: inquires about info. on distribution of sex in families [PGA’s comments: Fiddler on the roof, Tuviah the milkman had 7 daughters; so did my grandparents but they also had 2 boys each set of gps. The two surviving boys became veteran commies] 4. JL to M. Demerec (hereafter MD), May 1, 1947; on CSHL Symp. on nucleoproteins; 5. MD to JL, May 2 and May 5, 1947 (xeroxes on the same page); 6. MD to JL, Feb. 15, 1949; [PGA: all Ipp. unless otherwise noted) 7. JL to MD, Feb. 17, 1949; 8. JL to MD, Apr. 26, 1949; 9. MD to JL, Nov. 8, 1949; 10. JL to MD, Nov. 10, 1949; 11. MD to JL, Nov. 16, 1949; 12. JL to MD, Dec. 1, 1949; (3pp) 13. MD to JL, Dec. 5, 1949; (2pp) Folder #2: 14. JL to MD, Jan. 23, 1951; (2pp.) 15. MD to JL, Jan. 26, 1951; (2pp. + program of CSHL 1951); 16. JL to MD, Nov. 12, 1953; 17. MD to JL, Nov. 16, 1953; 18. JL to MD, Dec. 22, 1954; 19. MD to JL, Jan. 5, 1955; 20. JL to MD, Jan. 7, 1955; 21. MD to JL, Jan 11, 1955; 22. JL to MD, Jan. 14, 1955; 23. JL to MD, Feb. 14, 1955; 24. MD to JL, Feb. 17, 1955; 25. JL to MD, Feb. 19, 1955; 26. JL to MD, March 22, 1955; 27. MD to JL, March 29, 1955; 28. MD to JL, June 2, 1955; 29. JL to MD, June 7, 1955; 30. JL to MD, August 1, 1955; 31. MD to JL, Jan. 28, 1957. [end].