870901 ae Dear Bob- \ ye a To your "Some thoughts" of 870827. My main comment is to ask you not to confuse sociological autobiography with the productions of sociologists, though there is doubtless a more than coincidental overlap. (I see you do make that point at the end.) Shortly before you were telefaxing me, I was dining at the Ken Arrows, and quizzing Bernard Siegel whether he thought Joe Greenberg had written an "anthropological" memoir (in the Ann Rev Anthro.) It is a particularly congenial self-account, but we agreed “Perhaps, no". Few scientists write scientifically rigorous accounts; though the paucity of self-revelation in the accounts of writers in the more "physical" Ann. Revs. is striking. (Did you know I was writing the introduction to Vol. III of the Excitement and Fascination of Science"?) Re my collaboration with Harriet (and yourself), the process was a bit subtler than your article makes out. It began as you described, but each of us internalized a great deal of what the other brought to the collaboration. Harriet learned a great deal of the science (and its history); and I can certainly testify how much I learned from you both. The more reason for such efforts! io ee Re > Rem. WY qt “y i ‘ 4