Larho ey) WROCEAW UNIVERSITY MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE - Recertep tere Przybyszewskiego 63/77 Wroclaw, §1-148 WROCLAW “ ‘Poland tel. 25-50-81/9 $1- _ Wroctaw an "209786 DECA3 Sey Professcr cr Ceshva Lecerbere President of the Rockefelter University Kew Yerk, NY. 16021 Deer Professsor Lecerte ry w ad Meany thanks to you fcr your kind letter of 26 uly that errivecd after my return frem my helicays trips ta Conferences in Perugia enc Kelsinki. From tne infermation you kirncly provided me I supscse that the strains 679-6£0 had to cerry F plasmic at the begining, end curins the mutagenisetion. carried out to obtain Thr Leu” auxctrophy, the strain hes been cured of it. What concerns my works on Shigella the loss cf type snticen I with simultenscus acquissiticn of type’anticen III could be concerned with lisogenic conversion but in this sense thet a phese when integratec in chrenctcme, ig cocing. for UDP-clucose transferrese. This enzyme is reenonsible for oresence see ty tats ec sluccee in secencery sice-cnein in C-snecific nolisaccharic - AcGlc E 2 The site of the phage integration have to be near region homologous to lactose operon of E.coli as Lac* recombinants from crosses E.coli HfrH x S.flexneri lb are deprived of agglutinability in type antigen I-specific serum:but are agglutinated by type antigen III specific serum (Luria and Surrous J. Bact. 74:461 (1957), Lechowicz, Mulczyk, Malesz:Arch.Immunol. Ther. Expl. 14:405 , (1966). The of integration or. State of the prophage has to change sponta- neusly resulting in apparition in 1b serotype cells population, of mutant with type antigen III ‘which 0 specific polissacharide hag no longer acetylated glucose in secondary side chain: r “Glo NAC 4 Rha —y Rha The same situation is in Lac” recombinants. This antigenic mutants arrise spontaneously with the mutation. rate of 10° erder and,as I mentioned: previously, could be selected: _Girectly or. indirectly ‘by you replica plate technique using- another. phage (called F2) virulent for cells with type antigen IT but unvirulent to those with type antigen TIl. (Lachowicz TM. Mulezyk.M.: Arch. Immunol., Terapii Dosw. 8: 437 (1960), Se,the question is what is the state of this phage ‘in the mutant with antigen formula IIIT; 3, 4,6- arrising in pepulation of. the. serotype 1b with antigenic formula I; 3,4,6? ‘The antigenic mutant liberate spontaneously. the phage X and this” phage kils the cells of original lb form. I am sending you by the- same mail some reprints in which this phenomenon has been described, The plasmid hypothesis advanced in one of it must be a little modified in the light of further experiments. As to the problem of selection cf this antigenic mutant in mice we actually obteined the results pointing to the serun complement as the selective factor. The complement kils selectively cells with type antigen I -+hus permmiting to master the environement by mutant with type antigen III. The papar on this subject is actually in preparation to publication. ‘With professor Kunicki-Golcfinger I am in friencly relation. Ihave the honor to be his stucent. He has been promotor of my coctor work ., reviaver of my habilitation thesis and proposal of nominetion on professor post : Actually he is on pension but still very active in phylosophy of nature. ; By the way I'am sending you professor my best season greeting of Happy New Year . Yours sincerely T.M.Lachowicz,