THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Laboratory of MOLECULAR GENETICS AND INFORMATICS July 7, 1995 L y Dr. Sue Jinks-Robertson Department of Biology Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322 Dear Dr. Jinks-Robertson, _ Your recent paper "Association of increased spontaneous mutation rates with high levels of transcription in yeast" was read by us with great interest. It is a valuable and important accomplishment. ‘Thanks for sending a preprint via Bruce Levin. We would be grateful to receive further preprints of your work in this area. We have spent an agonizing period attempting analogous experiments in E. coli using the lac system and IPTG induction. Bruce also has also experienced frustration with this approach. The success of your system is especially poignant in the context of our own head banging. We are more committed to the question than to the organism, and even before your important paper we were looking for strains of yeast appropriate to these issues. We would be grateful to obtain from you the strains used in your Science paper. Our intention is first to repeat your experiments and then to extend them in the directions of chemical mutagenesis. We want to learn if in addition to spontaneous mutation, there is also an increase in chemically induced mutagenesis associated with transcription. Of coursé we will give full credit and thanks in reporting any work that utilizes your strains. Neither are we looking for head to head competition; the area opened up in large measure by your work promises to be large and fertile. LN, Ped. Ayu Joshua Lederberg David Thaler Ken Zahn