THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 September 8, 1988 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. med. Reimar Hartge L Wiesenstr. 77 eT D-3000 Hannover 1 West Germany Dear Dr. Hartge: I-thank you for your letter of August 8th which was await- ing my recent return from vacation travel. You have asked me for references describing the historical roots of the concepts of genetic engineering. My published re- marks on this subject date from the early 1960s including the quotation that you referred to as a "famous statement" about 180 cms. of DNA. This in fact did come from one of my earliest writings on the subject, namely at a Ciba Symposium in London in 1962. My most extensive discussion of the possibilities and ethical, as well as scientific, challenges of genetic engineering appeared in 1972. I really have had very little to add to that statement and have endeavored to let others contribute to the debate since that time. I hope that the in- terview as published by Die Zeit came out in print consistent with what I said and with what I have written earlier. I hope this meets your needs as stated in your letter. With best wishes, You sincerely, Joshua Lederberg