THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT , u/ L December 16, 1989 Dear Ron -- an Since you abandoned molecular biology for the brain, we’ve not had too much occasion for discourse, and have used none of it for some time -- though I have been pleased at the evidence from time to time of your success in the field you did choose. What brought you to mind once again was this enclosed article in Nature (11/24). I recall we came pretty close to the notion that the "hybrids" had broken through a barrier to heterologous recombination; though I’d make no claim that he could have had a precise enzymatic mechanism in mind. It seems a reasonable bet, in retrospect, that some of the hybrids were indeed mismatch-tolerant mutants. I was led to run a citation index for the last couple of years; and I was startled to see how often your B. globimar papers have been quoted (not to lose sight of your more recent. This is all on a new toy, the SCI on a CD-ROM, which is a fabulously efficient way to recheck the letters DLT, So, by way of "hello, again", here is the printout for 1987-now. If you can use, and wish to have the file on a floppy or over the net, just let me know. all best wishes Yours sincerely, shua Lederberg ae