Personal memo from ° . L JOSHUA LEDERBERG Bx Uhdks — SEP 25 1987 eae [the brfe | Dafajets er Stare)” THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 10021-6399 No. 531] GENOTYPE CONCEPTION OF HEREDITY 148 make hypotheses as to the nature of heredity and varia-— bility. Darwin has somewhat exaggerated the scientific value of breeders’ testimonies, as if a breeder eo ipso must be an expert in heredity. As to the principle of pure lines it has been occasionally vindicated by Ger- man authors, e. g., K. v. Riimker, that pure line breeding is a thing old and well known. This is quite true; nearly sixty years ago L..Vilmorin not only emphasized i ina lucid manner the importance of pure breeding, but he even tried a little to use his experiences theoretically.. But it can not be denied that the principle of pure lines, as a true scientific analytical implement, as an indispen- ‘ gable method of research in heredity—not merely as a questionable and, at any rate, unilateral and insufficient method of practical breeding—is a novelty from recent years. Had this analytical principle been used in the times of Darwin, or had it even been appreciated in due time by the biometrie school, certainly the real bearing of selection might long since have been rightly under- stood also by the practical breeders of pure strains. . The genotypes may then be characterized as some- thing fixed and may be, to a certain degree, parallelized with the most complicated molecules of organic chem- istry consisting of ‘‘nuclei’’ with a multitude of ‘‘side- chains.’’ Continuing for a moment such a metaphor, we - may even suggest that the genes may be looked upon as analogs of the ‘‘radicals’’ or “¢gide-chains.”” ‘All suck ideas may as yet be premature; but they are highly favoredby-the recent researches of Miss Wheldale. The fixity of a genotypical constitution in question is the conception arrived at by Mendelian and pure line © -work. Hence there is a discontinuity between different genotypes. This discontinuity has been energetically. contested by several biologists, among whom Woltereck may be pointed out as an important representative. In. his very interesting report on experiments with Daph- nias, Woltereck indicates, as said above, that selection was as yet ineffective; moreover he describes a case of discontinuous alteration of type (mutation), and his ex- Phancsan TI Cin MN ¥S No, 531] GENOTYPE CONCEPTION OF HEREDITY 153 only say that this case does not seem incompatible with Mendelian views. It must also be borne in mind that certainly there have been very many geunodifferences between the differing races intercrossed in Castle’s experiments. Hence these experiments are really operat- ing with highly poly-heterozygotic F,-generations. And how great influence upon dimensions (of ears and other parts of the body) those color-determining genes may have exercised can not be easily determined. . As to beans, it is proved that genes, effective in color- . reactions, may also have great influence upon the dimen- sions and forms. So in my crosses a special factor, which makes yellow color turn into brown and causes violet to be turned into black, ha's a very marked influence upon the size and form of the beans in question. Here exact data are not necessary; the instance exemplifies the two incident matters of fact, viz., that apparently simple ‘¢dimensional’’ or meristic characters may be determined by several different genes, and that one sort of gene may have influence upon several different reactions. Then it.seems that Mendelian analysis is proceeding in @ very prosperous way; but there may be even very narrow. limits for this analysis: the entire organization . may never be “segregated” into genes! But still there is much to do in carrying through the genotype-concep- tion as far as possible. ” As to cytological researches the genotype-conception i is as yet rather indifferent. Certainly the process of segre- gation must -be a ceil-action intimately connected with division. But all the innumerably detailed results of the refined cytological methods of to-day dd not elucidate anything as to segregation. It seems to the unprejudiced observer that the much-discnssed cytological phenomena of karyokinesis, synapsis, reduction and so on may be regarded rather as consequences or manifestations of the divisions, repartitions and segregations of genotypical constituents (and all other things in the cell) than as their canses. This view is applicable even in those cases Be cP “a b29)99 orre