HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Cancer Biology Dear ooh February 3, 1991 Just as our paper on the spontaneous reversion of frameshifts was on the brink of going to press, Pat Foster and I discovered (through a combination of unexpected results) that most of the Lact revertants detected in the last set of experiments in the paper (which used a strain bearing a +2 frameshift in the middie of lacZ) were probably due to recombination between the test strain and the “scavenger” cells (whose episome bears a lacZ with a deletion that does not extend as far as the middle of the gene} and did not represent simple back mutation of the frameshift. Thanks to the kindness of the the editorial office of Genetics, we have been able to pull back the paper, and so now we will set about repeating the two experiments done with the +2 frameshift strain in a way that precludes any interaction with the scavenger cells. As for the rest of the results (using a strain with a +1 frameshift in lacI), they stand secure: the scavenger cells bear a deletion of the region containing the frameshift, and we know from other experiments that the presence of scavenger cells is not adding to the number of Lact revertants. So the main conclusion of our paper remains unchanged. C Sasa \ clvalh Lele Wow we tJ how 7 Pegs ne 665 Huntington Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (617) 432-1023 432-1184 Fax: 739-8348 Telex: 401401 Luo we fea. Ly Nas ve spvack le .