HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Cancer Biology Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 Dear Josh, . January 8, 1991 Frank Stahl has told me that someone in your lab is thinking of working on some of the odd things that have recently turned up in the whole business of spontaneous mutation. So I am sending you our paper on frameshifts, which is due to come out in Genetics in March. It saves everyone a lot of time if papers are circulated around before publication, though the custom is not as widely observed these days as it should be. I hope you like the paper and hope that you think that we give adequate recognition to the power and elegance of all the classical experiments. Sincerely yours, John Cairns 665 Huntington Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (617) 432-1023 432-1184 Fax: 739-8348 Telex: 401401