FROM: OMNIFAX TO: JUN 18, 1989 ‘tTHE AMERICAN “SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY NATIONAL OFFICE: 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Marylin 208 14.3992 TEL: 301/530-7153 FAX: 301/530-7139 [-MAIL: February 23, 1999 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Many of you responded to the American Socicty for Cell Biology's request for endorsement of the Society's position on human cloning. That support was extremely influential in defeating Icgislation that would have compromised the progress of biomedical research. The controversy has now advanced to the question of human stem cell research. The Department of Health & Human Services has ruled that research on derivative stem cells by a scientist supported by the federal funds is permissible under the current legislative ban on embryo rescarch. In response, 71 members of the House sent a letter to Health & Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala challenging the ruling and proposing that stem cel) research be prohibited under the embryo research ban. The ASCB is seeking to persuade Congress and the Administration to acknowledge the distinction between "embryo" and "stem cell" research and to explicitly cxempt stem cell research from the prohibition on the use of federal funds to support embryo research. ne ~. To this end, we seek your fignature op the attached letter. Please return the enclosed form as soon as possible bite tfaicr than Wednesday, March 3, at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time. Thank you for your continued and immediate considcration. Sincerely yours, Gud Paul Berg, Ph.D. Cahill Professor of Cancer Research Director of the Beckman Center for Molecular & Genetic Medicine Stanford University Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1980 Chair, ASCB Public Policy Committee Enclosures 1:16PM #042 P.@1 FER 25 9 OFFICERS RANDY SCHEKMAN Fresident RICHARD HYNES President-elect TLIZABRETH H. BLACKBURN tint President GEORGE M. LANGFORD Secretery CARL M. COHEN Deasnrer ELIZABETH MARINCOLA Executive Director COUNCIL CAROL W, GRLIDER IRA HERSKOWITZ ICNNIFER LIPIANCOTT-SCHWART, MARK S, MOQSERER SANDRA A. MURRAY W. JAMES NELSON LRIC N. OLSON FDWARD D. SALMON PAMELA A, SH VER KAI SIMONS SUSAN STROME LYDLA VILLA-KOMAROI?)’ COMAIUPTER CHAIRS RICHARD GW. ANDERSON Countitite a & By-kis FRANK SOLOMON Fedication CARL M.COUEN Finance KAT SIMONS Pater national Affairs TRINA SCHROER Lei ctl Arrangentends GEORGE M. LANGFORD Aeaibership J.K.WAYNES Minorities Affairs IRA HERSKOWITZ. Namlaating KATHERINE L. WILSON Public biformarian PATIL. BERG Public Puliew DAVID DRULIN Scivatific Mectings ZENA WERB Women in Cell Biolagy MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF TRE CELL DAVID ROTSTEIN Editor-in-chief