FROM: OMNIFAX TO: JAN 15, 199@ 3:31PM #747 P.@2 To the Members of the United States Congress and the President of the United States: All reasonable people wish to prevent the cloning of human beings, as called for by the President in his State of the Union address. But most reasonable people do not intend and in fact would object to interfering with important biomedical research that is critical to the understanding and eventua) curc and prevention of human disease. To that end, we the undersigned endorse the enclosed statement on cloning from the American Society for Cell Biology. If legis)ation on cloning is deemed necessary, we rcspectfully urge you to ensure that it is limited to the issue that concerns the Amcrican people, the cloning of human beings, and does not inadvertently or intentionally impede critical ongoing and potential new research. Sincerely yours, Enclosure