_FROM: OMNIFAK TO: JAN 15, 1998 3:31PM #747 P.a1 “TtsHE AMERICAN “SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY NATIONAL OF FICK: 9650 Kockville Pike Hethesda, Maryland! 208(4- 3992 YET: 309/530 7153 - FAX: JOVS30 7189 TE MATE: aschinio@aschoasg + wiwvecaschonvascl February 4, 1998 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 3230 York Avenuc New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: As you arc aware, the issuc of cloning has come again into the public spotlight by the perhaps inevitable effort of an individual to clone human bcings. This action and the publicity it has engendered has inspired calls for legislation regulating “cloning” by the Congress and the Administration. Jt is hoped that Congress would accept the caution of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission that any Icgislation be carcfully written so as not to interfere with other important areas of scientific research. The real danger of some bills that have already been proposed is that it they scach beyond the narrow illegalization of cloning human beings to inadvertently or intentionally limit important biomedical research. Yo prevent this outcome, 1 am requesting your endorsement and that of other fellow Nobelists of the attached letter. If you are willing to co-sign, please complete and return the enclosed form as soon as possible but no later than Monday, February 9 by 12 noon Eastern time, to the American Society for Cell Biology. Thank you very much for your imuncdiate consideration. Sincerely yours, pus Paul Berg, Ph.D. Cahill Professor of Cancer Research Director of the Beckman Center for Molecular & Genctic Medicine Stanford University Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1980 Chair, ASCB Public Policy Committee OFFICERS FLIZABETH H. BLACKBURN President RANDY SCHLKMAN Presudent-elect MINA 3. BISSELL. Past- President GRORGE M. LANGFOR}) Secretary: CARL M. COUBN Teasane PLIZABLTIH MARINGCOLA Executive Davetor COUNCIL MARY BECKER TRA HERSKOWTCY. RICHARD O HYNES MARY LEE S. LEDEETTERK JENNIFER LIPPINCOTI-SCHWARIZ ANTHONY bP MAHOWALD WUJAMES NELSON ERIC N. OLSON PAMELA A. SEVER KAT SIMONS SUSAN STROME LYDIA VILLA: KOMAROFY COMMIF TEX CHATES RICHARD GW ANDERSON Constitution & By haven KRANK SOLOMON PAncation CARL M, COMEN aac KAT SIMONS buernaional Affais RIK DERYNCK Lacal Arrangenicnts GLORGE M. LANGFORD Menthership TK. HAYNES AMinconities Affrirs JOSPPH G. GALL. Nominating: KAIHERINE L. WILSON Public Information PAUL HERG Tublic Policy JENNIFER LIPPINGCOTE SCHWARTZ Scientific Meetings ZUNA WERE Wiener ia Celt Riotogy MOLECOLAR BIOLOGY OFF THE CELL DAVID BOTSTEIN Reehtorin-chief,