THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021-6399 JOSHUA LEDERBERG November 13, 1991 UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR Professor Helen Astin Higher Education Research Institute University of California 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, California 90024 Dear Professor Astin: / —_— Cc I was (for many reasons) interested in your PLOSopos Seaen of men and women in Citation Classics (in The’ Ou et Circle). You refer to differing perceptions on the part of the authors, classified by sex. Objective reality is of course part of perception: did it occur to you to ask for a third party evaluation of these contrib- utors, and see how these jibe with the author's? Besides being a basic methodological issue, my suggestion is impelled by the very heavy loading of citation classics by "method" papers and these would tend not to have some of the attributes listed under "women":"first, integrates, fundamental"... So let's ask if women's classics are as heavily loaded by method papers as are men's. That might be a source of different perceptions (as well as of lower citation rates) ~-- and would of course raise new questions. "Berson and Yalow" by itself might tip the scale but let us not be over-influenced by outhieys. /ipugs ee, ? {Joshua Lederberg