J. ct fof ez ]ae xv = Personal memo from brew a Aha JOSHUA LEDERBERG d 2. ———_ OCT 22 1990 2 ea \-< ——— v QM be ous New Mable ay Raw, Fadrmrnony fe As (AL! — Whithia Cod hs do. THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY NEW 00271-6399 11 CARPENTER, CHARLES C J, b Savannah, Ga, Jan 5, 31; m 58; ¢ 3. INFECTIOUS DISEASE. Educ: Princeton Univ, AB, 52; Johns Hopkins Univ, MD, 56. Prof Exp: From asst prof to prof med, Johns Hopkins Univ, 62-73; CHMN, DEPT MED, CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV, 73-; PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF, UNIV HOSPS CLEVELAND, 73- Concurrent Pos: Res career develop award, Johns Hopkins Univ, 64-69; mem US deleg, US-Japan Coop Med Sci Prog, 65-, chmn cholera panel; 66-73; mem cholera adv comt, NIH, 66-73; mem expert adv panel bact dis, WHO, 67-; trustee, Int Ctr Infectious Dis Res, Bangladesh, 79-; mem exec comt, Bd Sci & Technol Int Develop, Inst Med-Nat Acad Sci, 81-83; chmn elect, Am Bd Internal Med, 82-83, chmn, 83-84; mem, Adv Coun, Sch Med, Johns Hopkins Univ, 82-, Nat Allergy & Infectious Dis Adv Coun, 85- Mem: Am Soc Clin Invest; Infectious Dis Soc Am; Asn Profs Med; Asn Am Physicians (secy, 76-80). Res: Defining the pathophysiology, immunology and optimal means of treating cholera and other dehydrating diarrheal diseases. Mailing Add: Dept Med Univ Hosps Adelbert Rd Cleveland OH 44106 Personal memo from JOSHUA LEDERBERG BS. ADIL fen oaennain stn of De JOSHUA LEDERBERG 1230 YORK AVENUE 7 UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021-6399 -—- PRESIDENT EMERITUS (212) 570-7809 THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 10021-629¢