SCREFELLER YS (Or a “ DS as {MAR 5 1985 “ay " yr Ly. < TUFTS UNIVERSITY F THe PRESS School of Medicine School of Dental Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine . Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Department of Physiology February 21, 1985 To: Josh Lederberg i From: Win Arias ~ eee nad Dear Josh, I am delighted that we will get together on March 18th with Henry Platt and others from the "days of 310 Fifth Avenue". While coming back from a frustrating day at NIH yesterday (I am an advisor to an Institute Director), I many of those who were at the famous lab on fifth avenue would be where we are today if it hadn't been for (i) the IBM supported lab and all that went with it....and (ii) availability of financial aid for advanced education? In today's world (including the proposed OMB budget cuts in education and science), would we have been able to follow the paths we did? Is this a relevant theme to introduce into the March 18th activities? Is it appropriate and productive to relay to the NY Times (which has not been recently supportive of our cause) a statement from the March 18th reunion bearing on this issue? Sometimes "every little bit helps". MAR ~5 1985 [) een Wy, — What do you think? A CA P tele G17 959 6739 x\ 136 Harrison Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02111 617 956-6739 3/8 pd YAS Keesler Uthttrve th ~) xt? Ene: piney vile fin PR (Z /