OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Je | Stanford University Medical Center February 11, 1997 Professor Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021-6399 Dear Josh, | enjoyed reading the “Undiscovered Country” very much. Thanks for thinking of me. My own novel about the war period has languished for lack of time. It needs work. Arthur Kornberg is encouraging me to get it done and has even suggested a good title for it, “Salonica.” But | have been distracted lately by concerns over the merger wave that has overtaken teaching hospitals, including Stanford and UCSF. The chronic, chaotic state of health care is sending academic leaders searching for a treatment. They found it in mergers, a trend that is underexamined and may not provide the hoped for benefits. In Stanford’s case, the cure may prove worse than the disease, and require subtle post-traumatic care. This is especially true after press revelations that UC regents, prior to their merger decision held a secret meeting with UC’s auditors who told them that UC had overstated the clinical earnings of its faculty by $100 million. That information apparently was withheld from our trustees. Stanford does need a clinical partner, not another money losing operation. | am enclosing a reprint of “The Folly of Teaching-Hospital Mergers” which was published in the NEJM is case you haven't seen it. While | try to keep an open mind on mergers, the prognosis is uncertain. Sincerely, © ZZ of / Spyros Andreopoulos A a a l oe 701 WELCH Roab, SUITE 2207 * PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304-1702 TEL 415.723.6911 (hi Fax 415.723.7172