L Yl ewnr Users breech PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY TO: Academic Associates: John Bahcall, DATE: May 1, 1990 Loskua Lederberg, Henry Rosovsky, David Sidorsky, William Silen FROM: Theodore Rabb LV SUBJECT: Recent Events Although during each Spring I am usually in touch with all of you about scheduling the annual meeting of the Associates, this year, sadly, it will not be necessary. You all undoubtedly heard about the shocking circumstances of the death of Marver and Sheva Bernstein. A very moving Memorial Service was organized in Princeton, and others have been held in Washington, St. Paul, and Jerusalem. Although it is a trivial matter compared to the sense of loss this tragedy caused in many circles, you should know that Marver was planning to pursue our efforts in Jerusalem when he returned from his ill-fated journey to Egypt. Far more than the brief discussions he would have held, it is his wisdom and encouragement that we will miss. Unfortunately, at the very time that we were absorbing this terrible news, the fates also turned against us in Jerusalem. Until early in the year, we had been making real progress on three fronts in conjunction with Yoram Ben- Porath, the Rector of the Hebrew University. First, thanks largely to the efforts of John Bahcall, we assembled a Visiting Committee for the Chemistry Department that included distinguished scholars from both England and America. Second, I began discussions with Yoram about the possibility of curriculum reform. Finally, we were about to look into some role for our group in connection with the Hebrew University's Board of Governors. All of that progress came to a halt when Yoram developed very serious eye trouble, which has necessitated stays in the hospital in both Israel and Europe. Until he is back in action, therefore, these various initiatives -- which I had hoped to discuss with you at the annual meeting -- have to be put on hold. Our hope, naturally, is that progress will resume in the Fall. I will certainly keep you informed as soon as activities resume, but in the meantime I can only wish you all a very pleasant Summer, and trust that you join me in wishing a speedy recovery to Yoram. ec Larry Besserman Yoram Ben-Porath Professor Joshua Lederberg " The Rockefeller Universi wd bed At ral. pease aseno?, New York, N'Y 1002 vig