PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Department of History TO: Executive Committee, Academic / DATE: August 15, 1989 Council, Friends of the Hebrew_ U University ee eas FROM: Theodore K. Rabb | ; SUBJECT: Update Enclosed is a copy of the additional set of minutes prepared by Anne Tobias after our meeting in May. There seemed to be no objections to the original set of minutes, or to the document entitled "Procedures of Visiting Committees" that I circulated in May, and I therefore would like to suggest that they, together with the enclosed, now form the official record of the meeting. Since then, John Bahcall has been in touch with Rector Ben- Porath about the establishment of a first Visiting Committee, for Chemistry, and it will be important for our future work to see how that develops. At this point, we have heard no further from Jerusalem, but presumably things will get under way once the academic year starts, and I will keep you informed as soon as there is activity to report. c: Y¥. Ben-Porath L. Besserman “Lay AXE fh Ver Susie lrcr bet te Te Cy pe Aree aebh wet ven