64/19/39 12:26 MERICAN FRIENDS MI A] oO St = te TO: PROF, THEODORE RABB FROM: YORAM BEN-PORATH APRIL 18, 1989 CODE #106 BPR 1 8 1989 wea Nasa Awa THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM THE RECTOR PAGE 1 OF TWO PAGES NVPin Oe ( April 18, 1989 Professor Theodore K, nats Princeton University New-Jersay U.S.A. Dear Professor Radb, On behalf of the administration of the Hebrew University, I am happy to give official epproval to what waa discussed informally at our meeting in Jerusalem in January, namely the establishment of the academic associates of the Habrew University. Oversight of the activities of the associates is to be tha responsibility of an exacutive committee consisting of yourself and Professors Bahcall, Bernstein, Laderberg, Rosovsky, Sidorsiy, and Silen. The purposs of tha associates ia to serve the academic needs of the Univarsity. They wi1l act in an advisory capacity in whatever areas both they and the University consider appropriate, and executive committer will appoint subcommittees for specific projects in consultation with adminstrators and Faculty at the Hebrew University. Their initial afforts should be guided by the seven points in the document of december 1988 entitled “outcome of meeting with Yoram Ben-Porath", and should focus especially on point 3, the establishment of the equivalent of AD HOC review committees, Sinceraly yaurs, Y over 4 Y£ ws 7 i“ { Yoram Ben-Porath