Prneecton Lipecrsuy Departinent of History 129 Dickinson Hall Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1017 DATE: March 29, 1989 TO: Executive Committee, Academic Associates of the Hebrew University: John Bahcall, Marver Bernstein, Joshua Lederberg, Henry Rosovsky, David Sidorsky, William Silen FROM: Theodore K. Rabb As I trust you have now all heard, we seem at last to be able to settle on a date for a meeting that six out of the seven of us will be able to attend. Perhaps for the future we ought to pick a day like an election date each year (the Thursday after the second Sunday in May?). In any case, we are now all set to gather at the headquarters of the American Friends, 11 East 69th Street, at noon on May 18th. We are scheduling a two-hour meeting, and lunch will be served. I hope that, as before, the American Friends will be able to provide a subsidy for those who have to travel more than 50 miles to come to the meeting. The agenda I would propose consists of the following: x 1) Report of developments over the past year; 2) Discussion of whatever mandate we receive from the Rector of the Hebrew University (I expect to receive a formal statement within the next month); 3) Discussion of whatever specific activities we are asked to undertake by the University (I hope also to obtain a set of requests within the next month). A final, small matter of protocol: One of the former presidents of the American Friends, Milton Handler, has taken a keen interest in the revival of our committee, since he was closely involved with its predecessor in the 1950’s. He has asked whether he could join us at our meeting, and I thought I should solicit your views before either inviting him or declining his offer. He said that he would fully understand if we would like to meet in private, but in any case I prefer not to reply until I have your views as to whether this would be a harmless courtesy or an intrusion. I would appreciate a note within the next couple of weeks confirming your intention to attend the meeting, and giving me your views about the invitation to Handler. Looking forward to seeing you.