ign The Behavioral Teratology Socicfy AUG 15 1953 fstabtished un 1979 y jaa bole: 1 Se, im paced Ugnest L. Abel, Ph.D. Hugh Tilson, Ph.D. Presictent Secretary Granville Nolan, Fi August 10, 1983 Treasurer Or. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am writing on behalf of the Behavioral Teratology Society and am asking tor your help and support. The Behavioral Teratology Society was established in 1979 by a group of researchers interested in behavioral dysfunctions that might result from prenatal exposure to certain agents. The thalidomide catastrophe made all of us keenly awarc that severe and obvious birth defects could be caused by prenatal exposure to some agents. We now know that some nutritional and environmental factors, chemicals, and drugs can also cause later behavioral effects, in the absence of gross physical malformations, when exposure to them occurs early in developrent. These effects can include mental retardation or more subtle behavioral problems such as hyperactivity. Behavioral teratologists are interested in examining the relationship between prenatal exposure to these agents and later behavioral effects. The Behavioral Teratology Society has grown rapidly in the last few years, and now meets each year as a satellite session of the Teratology Society. In the last few years, we have sponsored symposia on various topics including fetal alcohol effects and the developm ntal effects of early exposure to heavy metals. This year our symposium will be on the effects of undernutrition during pregnancy. In addition to this symposiun, paper and poster sessions covering a wide ranye vf topics will also be included. As the Society has grown, the cost of sponsoring these various symposia and sessions has also grown. At. present our administrative costs are primarily borne by the Teratology Society and contributions from a few concerned companies and philanthropic organizations such as the March of Dimes. However, we need assistance in sponsoring UZ the symposium on nutrition. Several eminent scientists will be contacted, and we would Like help to defray some of their costs while attending the meeting. The Behavioral Teratology Society is a tax exempt, nonrrcefit organization and any contributions that your organization coul! make would certainly be appreciated. ALL contributions are also given special thanks in our published program. If I can te of any atsistance or anewer any questions that you micht haw about the Socioty, ploase feel free to conti’ me. flufy Sincerely, NL a ple “ Pesearch Institute on Alcoholisn L2lL Main street : Buffalo, New York La2c3 Tirmest L. Abel, PH.D, (716) 337-2557 President go ita Me S ’ a & 00"