!! spellx done SAM291 10-23-86 Map the Human Genome!? Joshua Lederberg Map the human genome, MHG!, is being popularized as the attention-focussing Big Science Project for the 1990's. Like another technological big fix in the military field, MHG! means different things to different people, and much of the debate is then at cross purposes. One extreme technocratic version, or is it a caricature, of MHG! would suspend all other DNA research in favor of a single centralized machine. For a few billion dollars - "hardly the cost of an aircraft carrier" - this center could displace all of the diverse laboratories doing molecular biology, and provide a computer tape with the 3 x 10^9 characters of the human genome. I am not sure just who is espousing this version today; but something like it may be in some minds, and perhaps it should be answered. MHG! is a striking metaphor that tells us a good deal about the contemporary position of biological science. For some years, it has been evident* that 3 x 10^9 is a metric for the complexity of biological systems of a kind never before accessible. Having the sequence in hand will be a necessary precondition for understanding the biology of the cell in molecular terms. It will scarcely be sufficient. Each of the 10^5 gene products spoken for by the sequence will deserve many tomes each -- such as we have today in approximate measure for individual examples like hemoglobin, the immunoglobulins, interferons, .... We have then to deal with the interactions of the molecules with one another, not to mention the regulatory systems, the total metabolism of cellular and organismic structure. One question is whether there exists either the human ingenuity or the computational horsepower to cope with conceptual structures of such complexity. At the very least we have to be thinking about building the necessary mathematical along with the biochemical instrumentation. Nevertheless, as large as these constructs are, they are finite and describable, and that is the sense in which we have had for the first time a metric of the complexity of human nature. The MHG! metaphor thus teaches us about the strategic objective of contemporary biology; what about the tactics of our campaign? We face at once a problem of definition: what is THE human genome that is to be sequenced? Presumably a clonal cell-line will be selected as a standard; whatever it is, can it be fairly labelled as the paradigm of humanity? Even setting aside the certainty that the very process of laboratory cultivation has induced changes in the genotype, and that adventitious mutations will have crept in, we must reconsider the underlying assumptions of a standard genome. For one thing, we already know that the uniformity of the DNA among all somatic cells is violated, at least for specialized systems like immunogenesis. Diversification of DNA may well play a part in other aspects of ontogeny; we already know of examples of gene amplification. Some somatic cell lines almost surely have deleted or otherwise altered gratuitous DNA sequences. We would be wisest to select a guaranteed totipotent, germline-related cell clone as a standard: but what is that to be? Beyond these questions, we have to consider the pervasive polymorphism that distinguishes every person's DNA (possibly barring monozygotic twins) from every other. Any standard we adopt is arbitrary. More importantly, is it a more efficient tactic to spend resources on the exhaustive sequencing of one genome? Or to focus on a limited sample of genes. Those selected would be of the greatest medical and biological interest, and therefore already recruiting the most ancillary information about the gene products, and about the polymorphism within the human population. Will we learn so much more by sequencing all 22 autosomes plus X plus Y, compared to an exhaustive sequence of one chromosome, and a more broadly integrated study of a roster of genes as these are diversified among tissues and among individuals in the human population? The latter program is just that of contemporary molecular biology and medical genetics, with reasonable assist from advances in the automation of laboratory procedures that do indeed deserve substantial investment. The mainstream proposals for MHG! are no much more controversial than that. They would entail a necessarily concerted effort to inventory large overlapping DNA fragments from the chromosome set. That library would not be very costly, and would simplify many individual efforts at gene mapping. They would also fund the development of and broad access to new automated instrumentation for DNA sequencing; priorities for the execution of such machinery should be subject to peer review like that for other regional resources. My view is then that MHG!, in any practically supportable version, is chiefly a repackaging of the central research program of molecular biology as it is now pursued. Too bad that it needs such fancy wrappings to attract public attention for an obvious good. ----- * Lederberg J. "Biological Future of Man" in: Wolstenholme G. (Ed.) Man and His Future ; Ciba Found. Symp. 1962, 263-273. Little Brown Co. Boston (1963)