!! spellx done 246 SEARCHING FOR GODot "Appendix F" MIT Press, 1973 (Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence CETI edited by Carl Sagan) I assume (1) the angels are still within the galaxy, and (2) their average "progress" can best be estimated as equal to ours +/- millennia. Then a reasonable proportion will have reached the stage of interstellar (wisely "unmanned") travel--but not of being able to discriminate Earth from multitude. (The UFO seers are incredibly geocentric in their conceits.) Ergo: if there is a transmitter, it will be at the unique point in the Galaxy--as far as I can imagine, the barycenter is just that. This will be even more self-evident to that subset of angels who live a few hundred or thousand light years from the center. By the way, would they have more interstellar dust to use for rocket "fuel"? Further I would favor looking for signals in the frequency domain, as compared with the advantages of time-averaging. The operational program is to look for unexpected line-structure, super- imposed on the doppler-broadened lines of, say, the 21-cm H microwave emission. Which we have good reason to do anyhow. But if one takes such programs seriously, we must also contemplate the political imperatives of establishing terrestrial radio silence vis a vis emissions that might be detected elsewhere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------