!! spellx done 188 Radiation and You The Washington Post January 3, 1970 The precision with which we know the constants of nature is one of the foundations of an industrial economy. For example, we know, and need to know, the speed of light to better than six decimal places, and the distance from earth to Mars almost as well. When engineers face living organisms, however, they must face up to the cultural shock of certainties, within factors of ten or even a hundred, about such vital matters as the health hazards of industrial-by product radiation. All of us, in turn, will ultimately suffer from inaccuracies in such calculations. Standards must be set as the basis of engineering design, from whatever information is available. If they are unrealistically stringent, they will thwart the development of nuclear energy and we may stumble in brownouts and choke in increasing air pollution from burning fossil fuels. If the standards are too lax, whether from laziness or exploitation, our own health and the very future of the species are at stake. One of the basic standards is the Federal Radiation Council guideline of a limit of 170 millirads (0.17 rad) per year for the general population. This standard for an allowable exposure to additional by-product radiation may be compared with the 100 millirads from cosmic and natural radioactivity in which we are already immersed. And an average exposure to about 50 millirads per year from medical X-rays. Nuclear energy activities so far, mostly in the form of strontium-90 fallout, from weapons tests have "used up" less than ten per cent of the 170 millirad per year allowance. However, we are on the verge of planning large scale expansions of nuclear energy plants and other uses, and the validity of the standards is bound to be crucial to the engineering and economics of this technology. Doctors John W. Gofman and Arthur R. Tamplin of the AEC-supported Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore, have sharply attacked the current standards in testimony before the Senate subcommittee on air and water pollution. Their main argument is an analysis of various data that have been collected on the production of specific forms of cancer by radiation. For each of several forms, the "doubling dose" is about 100 rads. That is, each rad of exposure should increase the spontaneous frequency by one per cent of its existing value. After 30 years exposure at the guideline level, the accumulated extra dose would be 5.1 rads, calculated to give a 5 percent increase overall in cancer. These figures are probably not very different from the assumptions that have underlain the policy guidelines. The logic of these standards has unfortunately been contaminated by some unsupportable optimism that very low doses of radiation may have a less than proportionate hazard, and that we might perhaps be able to ignore these small percentage penalties. However, as Gofman and Tamplin point out, this 5 per cent would add up to another 16,000 cancer deaths a year. Which of these numbers is the proper assessment is a basic issue of social philosophy that needs to be examined apart from the technical arguments that surround it. In my first reading I was tempted to quarrel with the argument that diseases like lung cancer could be influenced by additional radiation exposure, for we believe that this is mainly caused by cigarette smoking. Nevertheless, we must take account of the probable interaction of radiation with other environmental pollutants, and with individual variations in susceptibility--which would also nullify any remaining hope of a no-effect dose. The hardest fact we have is the natural exposure rate of 100 millirads. We can expect to learn more about radiation hazards, and further news is most likely to be the discovery of now hidden dangers rather than the converse. Quite apart from Gofman and Tamplin's calculations, we should be wise to base our guidelines as a small percentage of that unavoidable 100 millirads. Future developments may loosen these standards in either of two ways. We might learn how to facilitate the natural repair of radiation damage. Or we may continue to poison ourselves so badly with chemical pollutants that an added dose of radiation would be lost in the smog, or might even be a happy way out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------