December 2, 1976 Dr. W.J. van Wagtendonk P.O. Box 20677 Cedar Mountain, NC 28718 Dear Dr. van Wagtendonk, With this letter is a circular asking for help in tracing biographical materials for a memoir of Ed Tatum. I would be particularly grateful to you for any recollections that you might be able to offer to help 1lluminate the early history of biochemical genetics. I have had particular trouble getting any factual information on two possibly related questions: Ed's visit at Utrecht in 36-37 - how he came to do that, what he did while there, what he got out of that experience; and how he came to Beadle's attention to be recruited into the program that was just then getting started on the aye color hormone. Anything whatever that you might have to say on these questions, even firm negative information, would be most helpful. Needless to say, I hardly wish to confine your imagination to the particular issues that happen to be bothering me at the present stage of the collection of material for the memoir. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr Ea. co aun2