Memo from To: Foy WW, [sn JOSHUA LEDERBERG g NOV 10 1976 in re EL Tatum Dear Perry I do hope your health has improved enough since our last correspondence, that I am not putting an undue imposition on you. You were, I think, just ahead of Ed in getting your Ph.D., so I thought you might be in an excellent position to say something about the environment of research in bacterial biochemistry in the early '30s, and whatever you might recall that was distinctive about Ed's outlook and role. I have no special . questions about that period, except perhaps about the influence that his father might have had in the orientation of Ed's interests. Did he ever discuss the possibility of taking an M.D. also, as his father (and later his brother Howard) had done? Well, anything you can recall that can hel preserve a realistic image of Ed and his intel- lectual development would be most helpful. With best wishes, PRroFessor JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94395