ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE ANNUAL REVIEWS INC. EDITOR CAMPBELL 4139 EL CAMINO WAY H. L, ROMAN A. D. KAISER A. rary > zZiro . G. KNUDSON, JR. MINTZ « ROMAN « RUDDLE . SANDLER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94306, USA ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. CAMPBELL (415) 493-4400 L. M. SANDLER PRODUCTION EDITOR T. HASKELL December 20, 1977 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: I enjoyed reading your Tatum memoir for the American Philosophical Society Yearbook. Bill Kaufmann is trying to get permission to have it reprinted in the Annual Review of Genetics. I will keep you posted on what happens. AS ever, Herschel L. Roman HLR/nr ce: Toni Haskell Thank you, Hersch. DEC 271977 I did have one afterthought. Instead of (or in addition to?) the abovementioned, I waka would like to write 4 or 5 pages on the nature of the discovery of "Neurospora", which I believe can help illuminate the nature of scientfic progress generally. The convergence of mutational genetics, biochemistry, nutrition aid fungal-lifecycle-biology in fact contained no single ingredient that could not be firmly predicted from preexisting knowldge -~ so what was the discovery? Yet the focus of attention that was generated by the empirical demonstration of Neurospora mutants transformed the biology of the generation. Do you think the ARG would be an acceptable? a good vehicle for thas kind of discussion? Yours, PLEASE ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS IN CARE OF THE PRODUCTION EDITOR, ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.