.nh .nf .na 1. E. L. Tatum, W. H. Peterson, and E. B. Fred. Effect of associated growth on forms of lactic acid produced by certain bacteria, Biochem. J., 26, 846-52. (1932) 2. C. Fromageot and E. L. Tatum. Uber einen Aktivator des Stoffwechsels der Propionsaurebakterian, Biochem. Z., 267, 360-75. (1933) 3. E. L. Tatum and W. H. Peterson, Fermentation method for production of dextrolactic acid, Ind. and Eng. Chem., 27, 1493. (1935) 4. E. L. Tatum, W. H. Peterson, and E. B. Fred. An unknown factor stimulating the formation of butyl alcohol by certain butyric acid bacteria, J. Bacteriol., 27, 207- 17. (1934) 4a. E. L. Tatum. Studies in the biochemistry of microorganisms. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1934) 5. E. L. Tatum, W. H. Peterson, and E. B. Fred. Identification of asparagine as the substance stimulating the production of butyl alcohol by certain bacteria, J. Bacteriol., 29, 563-72. (1935) 6. E L. Tatum, W. H. Peterson, and E. B. Fred. Essential growth factors for propionic acid bacteria. I. Sources and fractionation. J. Bacteriol., 32, 157-66. (1936) 7. E. L. Tatum, H. G. Wood, and W. H. Peterson. Essential growth factors for propionic acid bacteria. II. Nature of the neuberg precipitate fraction of potato: replacement by ammonium sulphate or by certain amino acids, J. Bacteriol., 32, 167-74. (1936) 8. E. E. Snell, E. L. Tatum, and W. H. Peterson. Growth factors for bacteria. III. Some nutritive requirements of Lactobacillus delbruckii, J. Bacteriology, 33, 207-25. (1937) 9. H. G. Wood, E. L. Tatum, and W. H. Peterson. Growth factors for bacteria. IV. An acidic ether-soluble factor essential for growth of propionic acid bacteria, J. Bacteriol., 33, 227-42. (1937) 10. E. L. Tatum, H. G. Wood, and W. H. Peterson. Growth factors for bacteria. V. Vitamin B1, a growth stimulant for propionic acid bacteria, Biochem. J., 30, 1898-1904. (1936) 11. E. L. Tatum, W. H. Peterson, and E. B. Fred. Enzymatic racemization of optically active lactic acid, Biochem. J., 30, 1892-97. (1937) 12. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle. Development of eye colors in Drosophila: some properties of the hormones concerned, J. Gen. Physiol., 22, 239-53. (1938) 13. G. W. Beadle, E. L. Tatum, and C. W. Clancy. Food level in relation to rate of development and eye pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster. Biol. Bull., 75, 447-62. (1938) 14. E. L. Tatum. Development of eye-colors in Drosophila: bacterial synthesis of v+ hormone, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 25, 486-90. (1939) 15. E. L. Tatum. Nutritional requirements of Drosophila melanogaster, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 25, 490-97. (1939) 16. G. W. Beadle, E. L. Tatum, and G. W. Clancy. Development of eye colors in Drosophila: Production of v+ hormone by fat bodies, Biol. Bull., 57, 407-14. (1939) 17. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle. Effect of diet on eye-color development in Drosophila melanogaster, Biol. Bull., 57, 415-22. (1939) 18. D. B. Horsburgh, E. L. Tatum, and V. E. Hall. Chemical properties and physiological actions of Triturus embryonic toxin, J. Pharmacol. and Expt. Therapeutics, 68, 284-91 (1940) 19. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle. Crystalline Drosophila eye-color hormone, Science, 91, 458. (1940) 20. G. W. Beadle and E. L. Tatum. Experimental control of development and differentiation, Amer. Natur., 75, 107-16 (1941) 21. E. L. Tatum. Vitamin B requirements of Drosophila melanogaster, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 27, 193-97. (1941) 22. E. L. Tatum and A. J. Haagen-Smit. Identification of Drosophila v+ hormone of bacterial origin, J. Biol. Chem., 140, 575-80. (1941) 23. G. W. Beadle and E. L. Tatum. Genetic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 27, 499-506 (1941) 24. W. J. Van Wagtendonk, F. A. Fuhrman, E. L. Tatum, and J. Field, II. Triturus toxin: Chemical nature and effects on tissues respiration and glycolysis, Biol. Bull., 83, 137-44. (1942) 25. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle. Genetic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora: an "aminobenzoicless" mutant, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 28, 234-43. (1942) 26. E. L. Tatum, L. Garnjobst, and C. V. Taylor. Vitamin requirements of Colpoda duodenaria, J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., 20, 211-24. (1942) 27. A. C. Giese and E. L. Tatum. The effect of some vitamins of the B-complex on respiration of mutants of Neurospora, the Collecting Net, 17, 86-88. (1942) 28. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle. The relation of genetics to growth-factors and hormones, Fourth Growth Symposium, Vol.1, 27-35. (1942) 29. L. Garnjobst, E. L. Tatum, and C. V. Taylor. Further studies on the nutritional requirements of Colpoda duodenaria, J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., 21, 199-212. (1943) 30. F. J. Ryan, G. W. Beadle, and E. L. Tatum. The tube method of measuring the growth rate of Neurospora, Am. J. Botany, 30, 784-99. (1943) 31. D. Bonner, E. L. Tatum, and G. W. Beadle. The genetic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora: A mutant strain requiring isoleucine and valine, Arch. Biochem., 3, 71-91.(1943) 32. E. L. Tatum. Nutrition, genetics, and Neurospora, Stanford Medical Bulletin, II, Feb., 1944. 33. E. L. Tatum and D. M. Bonner. Synthesis of tryptophan from indole and serine by Neurospora, J. Biol. Chem., 151, 349 (1943) 34. E. L. Tatum, D. Bonner and G. W. Beadle. Anthranilic acid and the biosynthesis of indole and tryptophan by Neurospora, Arch. Biochem., 3, 477. (1944) 35. E. L. Tatum and D. Bonner. Indole and serine in the biosynthesis and breakdown of tryptophan, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 30, 30-37. (1944) 36. F. J. Ryan, E. L. Tatum, and A. C. Giese. The four-carbon respiratory system and growth of the mold Neurospora, J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., 23, 83-94. (1944) 37. D. F. Reid, S. Lepkovsky, D. Bonner, and E. L. Tatum. The intermediary metabolism of tryptophan in pyridoxine-deficient rats, J. Biol. Chem., 155, 299-303. (1944) 38. E. L. Tatum. Biochemistry of Fungi, Ann. Rev. Biochem., 13, 667-704. (1944) 39. C. H. Gray and E. L. Tatum. X-ray induced growth factor requirements in bacteria, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 30, 404-10 (1944) 40. N. H. Horowitz, D. Bonner, H. K. Mitchell, E. L. Tatum, and G. W. Beadle. Genic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora. Amer. Nat., 79, 304-17. (1945) 41. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle. Biochemical genetics of Neurospora, Ann. Mo. Botanical Garden, 32, 125-129. (1945) 42. E. L. Tatum. X-ray induced mutant strains of E. coli. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 31, 215-19. (1945) 43. E. L. Tatum. Desthiobiotin in the biosynthesis of biotin. J. Biol. Chem., 160, 455-459. (1945) 44. G. W. Beadle and E. L. Tatum. Neurospora II. Methods of producing and detecting mutations concerned with nutritional requirements, Am. Jour. Bot., 32, 678-686. (1945) 45. E. L. Tatum and T. T. Bell. Neurospora III. Biosynthesis of thiamin. Am. Jour. Bot., 33, 15-20. (1946) 46. W. H. Johnson and E. L. Tatum. 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L. Tatum Effects of radiation on fungi J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol. 35(1950) 119-132 68.R. W. Barratt and E. L. Tatum A simplified method of lyophilizing microorganisms Science 112(1950) 122-123 69.A. C. Griffin, E. L. Brandt and E. L. Tatum Nitrogen mustards as cancer-inducing agents J. Am. Med. Assoc. 144(1950) 571 70.R. C. Fuller, R. W. Barratt and E. L. Tatum The relationship between hexachlorocyclohexane and inositol in Neurospora Jour. Biol. Chem. 186(1950) 823-827 71.R. C. Ottke, S. Simmonds and E. L. Tatum Deuteroacetate in the biosynthesis of ergosterol by Neurospora Journ. Biol. Chem. 186(1950) 581-589 72.E. L. Tatum and D. D. Perkins Genetics of microorganisms Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 4(1950) 129-150 72a.E. A. Adelberg and E. L. Tatum Characterization of a valine analog accumulated by a mutant strain of Neurospora crassa Archives of Biochem 29(1950) 235-236 73. E. L. Tatum Genetic aspects of growth responses in fungi In: Skoog, Folke, ed. Plant growth substances. University of Wisconsin Press, l951 pp.447-461 74. R. C. Ottke, E. L. Tatum, I. Zabin and K. Bloch Isotopic acetate and isovalerate in the synthesis of ergosterol by Neurospora Jour. Biol. Chem. 189(1951) 429-433 75. E. A. Adelberg, D. M. Bonner, and E. L. Tatum A precursor of isoleucine obtained from a mutant strain of Neurospora crassa. Jour. Biol. Chem. 190(1951) 837-841 76. E. L. Tatum and E. A. Adelberg Origin of the carbon skeletons of isoleucine and valine Jour. Biol. Chem. 190(1951) 843-852 77. E. Roboz, R. W. Barratt and E. L. Tatum Breakdown of pectic substances by a new enzyme from Neurospora Jour. Biol. Chem. 195(1952) 459-471 78. R. H. Corzo and E. L. Tatum Biosynthesis of itaconic acid Federation Proceedings 12(1953) 470 79. D. Newmeyer and E. L. Tatum Gene expression in Neurospora mutants requiring nicotinic acid or tryptophan Am. Jour. Bot. 40(1953) 393-400 80. Joshua Lederberg and E. L. Tatum Sex in bacteria: Genetic studies, 1945-1952 Science 118(1953) 169-175 81. H. Katznelson, S. W. Tanenbaum and E. L. Tatum Glucose, gluconate, and 2-ketogluconate oxidation by Acetobacter melanogenum Jour. Biol. Chem. 204(1953) 43-59 82. E. L. Tatum, S. R. Gross, G. Ehrensvard and L. Garnjobst Synthesis of aromatic compounds by Neurospora Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 40(1954) 271-276 83. J. Q. Heplar and E. L. Tatum Some factors affecting carbon dioxide metabolism in Neurospora crassa Jour. Biol. Chem. 208(1954) 489-494 84. S. W. Tanenbaum, L. Garnjobst and E. L. Tatum A mutant of Neurospora requiring asparagine for growth Am. Jour. Bot. 41(1954) 484-488 85. J. R. Sjolander, K. Folkers, E. A. Adelberg and E. L. Tatum alpha, beta-Dihydroxyisovaleric acid, precursors of valine and isoleucine Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. 76(1954) 1085-1087 86. J. Lederberg and E. L. Tatum Sex in bacteria: Genetic studies, 1945-1952 In: Wenrich, D. H. ed. Sex in microorganisms. Washington, D. C. AAAS, 1954 pp. 12-28 87. E. L. Tatum and D. Shemin Mechanism of tryptophan synthesis in Neurospora Jour. Biol. Chem. 209(1954) 671-675 88. S. R. Gross and E. L. Tatum Incorporation of carbon atoms 1 and 6 of glucose into protocatechuic acid Federation Proceedings 14(1955) 221 89. A. C. Griffin, V. S. Dolman, E. B. Bohlke, P. Bouvart and E. L. Tatum The effect of visible light on the carcinogenicity of ultraviolet light. Cancer Research 15 (1955) 523-528 90. S. R. Gross and E. L. Tatum Structural specificity of inducers of protocatechuic acid oxidase synthesis in Neurospora Science 122 (1955) 1141 91. S. R. Gross, R. D. Gafford and E. L. Tatum The metabolism of protocatechuic acid in Neurospora J. Biol. Chem. 219 (1956) 781-796 92. E. L. Tatum and S. R. Gross Incorporation of carbon atoms 1 and 6 of glucose into protocatechuic acid by Neurospora J. Biol. Chem. 219(1956) 797-807 93. E. L. Tatum and S. R. Gross Physiological aspects of genetics Ann. Rev. Physiology 18 (1956) 53-68 94. R. A. Eversole and E. L. Tatum Chemical alteration of crossing-over frequency in Chlamydomonas. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 42 (1956) 68-73 95. L. Garnjobst and E. L. Tatum A temperature independent riboflavin requiring mutant of Neurospora crassa. Am. J. Bot. 43(1956) 149-157 96. R. C. Fuller and E. L. Tatum Inositol-phospholipid in Neurospora and its relationship to morphology Amer. J. Bot. 43 (1956) 361-365 97. L. Ottey and E. L. Tatum Protocatechuic Acid Oxidase of Neurospora J. Biol. Chem. 223 (1956) 307-311 98. L. Ottey and E. L. Tatum The cleavage of b-Ketoadipic acid by Neurospora crassa J. Biol. Chem. 229 (1957) 77-83 99. R. W. Barratt and E. L. Tatum Carcinogenic mutagens Annals New York Acad Sci. 71 (1958) 1072-1084 100.B. M. Eberhart and E. L. Tatum A gene modifying the thiamine-requirement of strains of Neurospora crassa J. of Gen. Microbiology 20 (1959) 43-53 101.E. L. Tatum Discussion of A. D. Hershey, Experimental problems concerning the role of deoxyribonucleic acid in growth of bacteriophage T2 In: Otto v St. Whitelock, ed. Cellular biology, nucleic acid and viruses. New York Academy of Sci. Special publication, 5. 1957 pp260-261 102.E. L. Tatum A Symposium on the chemical basis of heredity Science 126 (1957) 313-314 103.E. L. Tatum Molecular basis of the cause and expression of somatic cell variation J. Cell and Comp. Physiol. 52 (1958) 313-336 104.E. L. Tatum A case history in biological research. Science 129 (1959) 1711-1715 105.A J. Shatkin and E. L. Tatum Electron microscopy of Neurospora crassa mycelia J. Biophys and Biochem Cytology 6(1959) 423-426 106.E. L. Tatum A case history in biological research. In: Les prix Nobel en 1958. Stockholm, 1959 pp. 160-169 107.E. L. Tatum Contributions of Bernard O. Dodge to biochemical genetics Torrey Botanical Club. Bulletin 88(1961) 115-118 108.James F. Wilson, Laura Garnjobst and E. L. Tatum Heterocaryon incompatibility in Neurospora crassa-- Micro-injection studies Am. J. Bot. 48(1961) 299-305 109.E. Reich, A. J. Shatkin, E. L. Tatum Bacteriocidal action of mitomycin C Biochem. Biophys. Acta 45(1960) 608-610 110.Bruce M. Eberhart and E. L. Tatum Thiamine metabolism in Neurospora crassa Am. J. Bot. 48(1961) 702-711 111.Seizo Tsuda and E. L. Tatum Intracellular crystalline ergosterol in Neurospora J. Biophys. and Biochem. Cytology 11(1961) 171-177 112.Noel de Terra and E. L. Tatum Colonial growth of Neurospora Science 134(1961) 1066-1068 113.E. Reich, A. J. Shatkin and E. L. Tatum Bacteriocidal action of mitomycin C Biochim. Biophys. Acta 53(1961) 132-149 114.A. J. Shatkin and E. L. Tatum The relationship of m-inositol to morphology in Neurospora crassa Am. J. Bot. 48 (1961) 760-771 115.E. Reich, R. M. Franklin, A. J. Shatkin and E. L. Tatum Effect of actinomycin D on cellular nucleic acid synthesis and virus production Science 134(1961) 556-557 116.E. L. Tatum Some molecular aspects of congenital malformations In: International Conference on Congenital Malformations lst, London, 1960. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1961 pp. 281-288 117.E. L. Tatum Biochemical genetics and evolution Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 4(1962) 241-248 118.E. L. Tatum Same as above but printed in Russian 119.A J. Shatkin, E. Reich, R. M. Franklin and E. L. Tatum Effect of mitomycin C on mammalian cells in culture Biochim. Biophys. Acta 55(1962) 277-289 120.E. Reich, R. M. Franklin, A. J. Shatkin and E. L. Tatum Action of actinomycin D on animal cells and viruses Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 48(1962) 1238-1245 121.Thomas E. Shockley and E. L. Tatum A search for genetic transformation in Neurospora crassa Biochim. Biophys. Acta 61 (1962) 567-572 122.E. L. Tatum Biochemical genetics and evolution In: International Congress of Biochemistry, 5th Moscow, 1961. Proceedings, v.3. New York, Macmillan, 1963 pp. 178-186 123.B. Mach, E. L. Tatum Ribonucleic acid synthesis in protoplasts of E.coli: inhibition by actinomycin D. Science 139(1963) 1051-1052 124.E. L. Tatum The contributions of the basic research program of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to concepts of modern biology New York, National Foundation publication, 1963 pp. 1-22 125.E. Reich, G. Acs, B. Mach and E. L. Tatum Some properties of RNA metabolism in mammalian and bacterial cells. In: Vogel, H. J., Bryson, V. Lampen, J. O. eds. Informational macromolecules, a symposium. New York, Academic press, 1963 pp. 317-333 126.E. L. Tatum Defects in amino acid metabolism In: Inter-American Conference on Congenital Defects, lst, Los Angeles, 1962. Papers and discussions. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1963 pp.53-58 127.Noel de Terra and E. L. Tatum A relationship between cell wall structure and colonial growth in Neurospora crassa Am. J. of Bot 50 (1963) 669-677 128.Bruce M. Eberhart and E. L. Tatum Thiamine metabolism in wild-type and mutant strains of Neurospora crassa Archives of Biochem. and Biophysics 101(1963) 378-387 129.B. Mach, E. Reich, and E. L. Tatum Separation of the biosynthesis of the antibiotic polypeptide tyrocidine from protein biosynthesis Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 50 (1963) 175-181 130.E. L. Tatum Microbial and biochemical genetics In: International Congress of Human Genetics, 2nd, Rome, 1961. Proceedings. Rome, Istituto G. Mendel, 1963 pp. 509-511 131.E. L. Tatum Pharmacology and molecular genetics Revista Invest. Univ. Guadalajara 3 (1963) 27-54 132.E. L. Tatum Medicine and molecular genetics Bull. New York Acad. of Med. 40 (1964) 361-376 133.E. L. Tatum Genetic determinants Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 51(1964) 908-915 134.E. L. Tatum The role of genes in development J. Exp. Zool. 157(1964) 3-8 135.B. Mach and E. L. Tatum Environmental control of amino acid substitutions in the biosynthesis of the antibiotic polypeptide tyrocidine PNAS 52(1964) 876-884 135a.Mach, B. and E. L. Tatum On the biosynthesis of the decapeptide tyrocidine In: International Congress of Biochemistry, 6th, New York, 1964 Abstracts V-I 212, 443 135b.Borowska, Z. K. and Tatum, E. L. Biosynthesis of edeine, a polypeptide antibiotic of bacillus brevis Vm4 International Congress of Biochemistry, 6th, New York, 1964 Abstracts V-I 211, 441 136.E. L. Tatum Perspectives from physiological genetics In: Sonneborn, E., ed. The control of human heredity and evolution. New York, Macmillan, 1965 pp.20-34 137.C. W. Slayman and E. L. Tatum Potassium transport in Neurospora. I. Intracellular sodium and potassium concentrations and cation requirements for growth Biochim. Biophys. Acta 88(1964) 578-592 138.R. W. Colburn and E. L. Tatum Studies of a phenylalanina-tyrosine requiring mutant of a Neurospora crassa (Strain S4342) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 97(1965) 442-448 139.E. L. Tatum Evolution and molecular biology. Opening address In: Bryson, V. and Vogel, H. J., eds. Evolving genes and proteins. New York, Academic Press, 1965 pp.3-10 140.C. W. Slayman and E. L. Tatum Potassium transport in Neurospora. II. Measurement of steady-state potassium fluxes Biochim. Biophys. Acta 102(1965) 149-160 141.L. Garnjobst, J. F. Wilson, E. L. Tatum Studies on a cytoplasmic character in Neurospora crassa J. Cell Biology 26(1965) 413-425 142.E. G. Diacumakos, L. Garnjobst, E. L. Tatum A cytoplasmic character in Neurospora crassa. The role of nuclei and mitochondria J. Cell Biology 26 (1965) 427-443 143.C. W. Slayman and E. L. Tatum Potassium transport in Neurospora. III. Isolation of a transport mutant Biochim. Biophys. Acta 109(1965) 184-193 144.Z. K. Borowska and E. L. Tatum Biosynthesis of edeine by Bacillus brevis Vm4 in vivo and in vitro Biochim. Biophys. Acta 114(1966) 206-209 145.E. L. Tatum Reflections on the future: frontiers in molecular genetics In: Cambridge University. Trinity College. Convocation proceedings. 1965 pp.19-30 146.E. L. Tatum The possibility of manipulating genetic change. In: Roslansky, J. D. ed. Nobel Conference, lst, Gustavus Adolphus College, 1965. Genetics and the future of man. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966 pp.51-61 147.P. R. Mahadevan and E. L. Tatum Relationship of the major constituents of the Neurospora crassa cell wall to wild-type and colonial morphology J. Bacteriology 90(1965) 1073-1081 148.B. Mach and E. L. Tatum The biosynthesis of antibiotic polypeptides In: International Congress for Microbiology, 9th, Moscow, 1966. London, Pergamon Press, 1966 pp. 57-63 149.S. Brody and E. L. Tatum The primary biochemical effect of a morphological mutation in Neurospora crassa PNAS 56(1966) 1290-1297 150.C. A. Williams and E. L. Tatum Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of cytoplasmic proteins of Neurospora crassa J.Gen. 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