December 13, 1976 Ms. Patricia R. Lyles Editorial Assistant Office of the Home Secretary National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, D.C. 20418 Dear Ms. Lyles, This is about the memoir on Professor Edward Tatum. If you have not already written to Beadle, there would be no harm in leaving that question open for the time being. As I am beginning to draft the text, I can see that it might be a bit more graceful if Beadle did not have to be an author, and I would suggest leaving that question open until the last minute, in particular after he has had an opportunity to see a later draft. The main reason for my writing you now is to transmit an excellent portrait of Dr. Tatum that I have been able to borrow from June Tatum. It may still be several months before I have a complete manuscript, and I dé not know if I can properly keep the original photograph quite that long. So, I am sending it to you now in the hopes that it will be conventent for you to arrange to have the plate made right away for later use; and that you could then return the original photograph as promptly as is feasible to Mrs. Tatum at the following address: 536 Cuesta Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022. Absent other information, I believe she should be credited with the photograph. This is one of the finest pictures I have ever seen of Ed, and I would not want to diminish this opportunity. I have written to several dozen people and collected quite a bit of useful information; while finding almost everyone very willing to be cooperative, it is still very hard to find documentary sources still extant for the most inter- esting period which was some 30-40 years ago. Besides the memoir I will be collecting an archives of supporting documentation with some commentary as to the completeness and reliability of the information in the memoir itself. There is one point of form: namely whether you would accept a very limited number of references to other sources (as footnotes or in some other form) that might be needed to substantiate or complement the remarks in the memoir itself and the subject's bibliography. As I know, the latter was of some concern to you. I believe that I have gotten an excellent and complete listing from the archivist of the Rockefeller University, but I will try to critically edit it before passing it on too. Sincerely yours, Enclosure Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics