STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD. CALIFORNIA 94805 LY STANFORD UNEVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEEDICINE December 14, 1976 Departrens’ of Genetion GLa, $4788? Dr. W.J. van Wagtendonk P.O. Box 206 Cedar Mountain, N.C. 28718 Dear Dr. van Wagtendonk, Thank you so much for your candid, warm, intimate and humane letter. I already knew the story of Beadle's revocable offer to you from June Tatun. I did not know what you told me about the way that Ed reacted to the dilemma, but what you wrote me about how you and he handled it, is exactly what I would have expected. I am sure that you already knew that Ed himself had nothing to do with soliciting the position from Beadle; but rather that W.H. Peterson at Wisconsin had recommended Ed-to him quite independently. I wonder if I could press you further about the exact dates of the we course in,biochemistry, which I am encouraged to do since you were able to os say that therehad been a party on February 16, 1940. (I guess I am intrigued whether you may not have some more explicit records that might help clear up a number of these dates). The reason for my dilemma about that course is the anecdote that Beadle has published about the origins of the idea for using Neurospora. Is it credible that this could have happened in 1940, and still lead so promptly to the actual implementation of work on Neurospora. If you have a definite idea - which I have trouble pinning down - when laboratory work actually Started with the fungus, that would be very helpful. Please let me assure you of my sense of discretion in using the very interesting information that you have sent to me. Sincerely yours, | Joshua Lederberg ofessor of Genetics adc Cotok An? “ (G28 1 39 wT une Apel wre. LT. J.P. KENNEDY, JR, LARORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED 10 RESEARCH EN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BLOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOV MENTAL MEDICINE