OFFICE MEMORANDUM @® STANFORD UNIVERSITY @¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: Date. November 10, 1976 File Joshua Lederberg E.L. Tatum: interview with David Perkins by telephone. I asked Dave particularly about Ed's role vis-a-vis the Medical School, and Dave said he was just not aware of that at all. But he also said that he was not really that close to Ed Tatum. He came to Stanford having been recruited by Whitaker and only met Ed afterwards. (But one can be sure that Francis Ryan had strongly recommended Dave to Stanford via Tatum! I don't know whether it would be feasible to try to look at Perkins file from that standpoint). Dave originally worked on Ustilago and then switched to Neurospora only gradually when he began to see there really were lots of unsolved problems. He was a colleague with Ed in teaching and in the review they wrote jointly, but they really did not do a great deal of work together at all closely. Ed thought that Sam Gross, who was a postdoc at Stanford and went with Ed to Rockefeller, was a much more intimate confidante and that I should contact hin. WNGNVYOWAW FJdIddO © ALISUSAINN GYOANVIS @© WNONVYOWAW 3010 e ALISHMZAINN GYOINVIS © WNONVHYOWRW 391ddO © ALISHZAINN GYOINVLS @