OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: NGvi. Dare: November 8, 1976 Joshua Lederberg, M.D. Chairman, Department of Genetics J. E. Wallace Sterling Dear Josh: I have your note of November 8, and the question you put is really a poser. It used to be the custom for the various schools,--or divisions, as they were sometimes called,--and departments to submit an annual report to the President's Office. Sometimes these were used as raw material for an annual President's Report. There may be something bearing on Ed Tatum in some of these reports. Another possible source might be that of Minutes of the Board of Trustees, although I should expect the gleaning here to be rather thin. In the past when I have been confronted with trying to find information bearing on questions such as you ask, I invariably turned to Fred Glover as sleuth and detective, for which role he has high qualifications. Perhaps Fred could be helpful in finding answers to the questions you pose. Iam not at all sure that these suggestions will be very helpful or productive but they are the best I can produce off the top of my head. All best wishes. ele) an WNGNVYOWAW FDdIdIO © ALISUJAINN GYOANVLS © WNANVYOWIW 3DISIO © ALISUIAINN GYOANVLS © WNONVYOWSW 3D1ddO © ALISYZAINN GYOINVIS