Dave Perkins [stamped, DEC 30 1980] Neurospora 1941./to yours of Nov. 7 Concurrently our correspondence, I tried another cycle with the NY Bot. Gardens. Redundancy and perseverance pay off! Now they have an a[ . . . ]st and they do have B.O. Dodge's critical correspondence which helps nail down some of the very points at issue. I had interview [sic] of Taine Bell some time ago, and soon had the good luck of encountering Carlton Schwerdt and his lecture notes of the course! So I am enclosing copies of the relevant material. I'm afraid the most critical info on strains must be in Beadle's notebooks (extant?) I'll have someone re-dig in Tatum's remaining notebooks [ . . . ] re strains too. Joshua Have you published on N. crassa wild types?