OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: Date: December 14, 1976 File Joshua Lederberg Telephone interview with E.B. Fred on December 14th. Fred was not too different from when I knew him over 25 years ago: just as hard to talk to, keep to the point or get a word in edge-wise. He was not sure really what I had to ask of him but he was very enthusiastic that I should be writing this memoir. I tried to get to the point of actual records and in the end all he said was that it would not be possible to get any academic records connected with his name. It seemed hardly worthwhile to press the point. That may mean that even his own correspondence was kept in student-oriented files. He reiterated that he had made some study of the best predictors of later outcome and felt that the grade point average at the baccalaureate level was about as good as anything that could be said. He recalled that Ed was among the 100 outstanding students that he had used in his sample to measure indications for promise. Ed was not a perfect student but a very good one indeed and had been regarded as highly promising from the time he got his bachelor's degree. That was about all. WNGNVAYOWIW FJd1ddO © ALISHFAINN GYOANVIS © WNAONVHYOW3SW 201dd0 ©¢ ALISYTAINMA GXYOANVIS © WNANVYOWSW 3391430 © ALISHZAINN QGYOINVIS @